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4/13/2012· Construction

Construction Disputes: Schedule and Delay Analysis Methodologies

By: Long International

The equitable allocation of responsibility for project delays is essential to the resolution of many construction disputes. Contractors frequently assert that they have been delayed for reasons beyond their control. Owners often remain unconvinced that the Contractor is legitimately entitled to a time extension or delay, acceleration and loss of productivity damages.


4/16/2007· Corrosion

An Introduction To Corrosion

By: Earl Pye, PhD, PE

Suppose that you lose your pen. As a result you cannot write because you do not have a writing instrument that functions. That simple device, your pen, has a miraculous effect on your ability to perform. It is in this connection that we want to discuss the science and technology of corrosion


4/10/2012· Food & Beverage

The Ability to Self-Affirm the Safety of Novel Food and Dietary Supplement Ingredients And Market Them on Your Own Recognizance

By: Dr. Sanford Bigelow

How do you know if your novel ingredient is safe before you commercialize it in your food or dietary supplement product? There exists a process to self-affirm safety without having to wait 6 months for an FDA acknowledgement or wait 6 years for an FDA food additive approval.


9/21/2004· Machinery

The Value of Lubricants and Lubrication Knowledge and Skills

By: John H. Marino

For me it is fascinating that in this highly competitive global marketplace, so many American companies lack the lubricants and lubrication knowledge or skills needed to protect, let alone achieve, the greatest return on their production machinery


5/29/2003· Expert Witnessing

Avoiding Ipse Dixit Mislabeling: Post-Daubert Approaches To Expert Clinical Opinions

By: Harold Bursztajn, MD and Thomas G. Gutheil, MD

Recent Supreme Court decisions emphasize the need to regulate the admissibility of expert testimony by means of standards that require opinions going beyond ipse dixit; that is, that are based on more than the fact that the expert "said it him/herself


11/5/2013· Animals

Tail Docking in Dogs: Historical Precedence and Modern Views

By: Jill Kessler Miller

Tail docking (amputation of the tail) has been done on dogs for hundreds of years. A variety of justifications have been offered, usually in accordance to the historical tasks of the breed. For instance, in hunting dogs, conventional wisdom said it was to prevent injury in the field from nettles, burrs or sticks; in herding or bull-baiting dogs it was thought to help avoid injury from large livestock.


12/12/2011· Psychology

The Key to Anger Management is Being Assertive

By: Dr. Michael Levittan

In today's world, anger management has become a necessary concept to understand and practice in order to effectively navigate the challenges of family, work, school and social life. It is commonly thought that managing angerinvolves not getting angry anymore.


9/1/2002· Feng Shui

September 11: A Feng Shui Perspective

By: Angi Ma Wong - The FengShui Lady

What can help us to comprehend disaster and loss of such magnitude? We can try to put it in terms of astrology, currently circulating: Numerology on the World Trade Center


12/12/2004· Medical - Medicine

A Patient's Bill Of Rights

By: Martin Bell, MD, JD

The tragic events of 9/11 have diverted attention from the public debate in Washington about a national patients' bill of rights. The idea behind such legislation is that patients should have the right to sue their HMO or managed care insurer for money damages if their coverage is wrongfully denied, treatment is delayed or withheld, and their health is seriously damaged as a result


10/31/2011· Engineering

Engineering: Asking For a Raise is Easier Than You Think, Even In Bad Times

By: John Hoschette

Do you feel underpaid and deserving of a higher salary? Are you thinking about asking for a raise, but unsure how to go about it? Do you cringe at the thought of approaching your boss?

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