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7/1/2019· Medical - Medicine

Failure of Medical Stress Tests

By: Dr. Sajid Khan

When evaluating a patient, we rely on a good history to help us form a differential diagnosis. We use our physical exam skills to refine that list. A bedside ultrasound or ECG can further guide our decision-making and save precious time. Beyond these, we rely on seemingly failsafe data: radiographs, blood tests, and urine samples. But sometimes these reliable tests aren't so reliable.


9/6/2017· Failure Analysis

Liquid Impact Glass Failure Analysis

By: Dr. Thomas Read

As "water hammer" (i.e. liquid impact) has the potential to cause glass bottle failure, Read Consulting LLC created two such failures to study the resulting fracture surface details.


12/28/2019· Construction

As-Built But-For Schedule Delay Analysis

By: Long International

An As-Built But-For Schedule Delay Analysis (ABBF) is a retrospective CPM schedule delay analysis technique that determines the earliest date that the required mechanical completion activity, project completion activity, or various milestone activities could have been achieved but-for the owner-caused compensable delays that occurred during the project.


6/23/2011· Computers

IT Disaster? What IT Disaster? And What D'You Mean "We're Not Insured For It"!?

By: Dr. Stephen Castell

You are an established, reputable, medium-sized corporation. A year ago your board decided to upgrade your existing computer systems by buying a 'unified package', 'lightly-customised', from a 'solution provider'.


10/10/2010· Risk Management

Vulnerability And Risk Assessment In The Environment Of Care

By: Robert Owles, Jr, MA, MBA, CSC

Vulnerabilities are opportunities, opportunities for crime, opportunities for rule breaking violations, opportunities for loss. By definition, a vulnerability is a weakness or gap in a security program that can be exploited by threats to gain unauthorized access to an asset. Vulnerabilities include structural, procedural, electronic, human and other elements which provide opportunities to attack assets


7/31/2009· Accident Investigation & Reconstruction

Forensic Engineering Experts: Retail Stores

By: Kristopher J. Seluga, PE

Supermarkets, pharmacies, home improvement, and department stores expose their customers to many potential accident sources such as floors and aisles, which can become unsafe, and display merchandize that can topple or cause tripping. To prevent such accidents from occurring, these establishments should maintain routine scheduled inspections to insure that unsafe conditions are detected and corrected before accidents occur.


3/27/2013· Fires & Explosions

Fires: Spontaneous Human Combustion (SHC)

By: Jeffrey Williams

Books (e.g., Spontaneous Human Combustion) and TV shows on SHC have given a couple of new meanings to the term heartburn.


12/28/2015· Plastic / Reconstructive / Cosmetic Surgery

Cosmetic Laser Surgery Cases Resulting in Litigation

By: Dr. Warren Seiler

Although I have been called to evaluate many cosmetic laser and Cosmetic injection cases over the years (both plaintiff and defense), two particular cases really stand out. One was a plaintiff case and the second was a defense case.


12/27/2011· Business Consulting

Buying a Franchise: Some Tips for the Unwary

By: Darryl Horowitt, Esq

For many, the idea of owning your own business and being your own boss is alluring: you set your hours and you alone reap the rewards of your endeavors. Unfortunately, the road to success is often paved with many perils: employee costs continue to spiral as do the cost of goods; increased competition from other companies both here and abroad; more regulation from local, state and federal agencies; etc.


9/12/2012· Chemical Industry

Improving Cosmetic Formulation Quality Through Innovative Processing Technology: Preparation of MicroDroplet/Particle Master Batches through Innovative Compounding Techniques

By: Meyer Rosen

The intimate, uniform and lump-free mixing of a formulation containing two or more fluid components, one being lipophilic and the other hydrophilic, with or without the addition of powdered solids, to form a stable emulsion is a complex process.

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