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8/31/2017· Accounting

Preventing Fraud in Troubled Companies

By: Robert Bates

Economic downturns and recessions are notorious for encouraging fraud. As new and prospective fraud examiners, it's imperative that you become aware of the various fraud risks that can occur and the red flags that indicate a fraud in progress.


5/26/2015· Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)

Alternative Dispute Resolution: What It Is and Why You Should Consider Using It

By: Darryl Horowitt

Litigation in our court system has become an expensive, time-consuming, and frus trating process which often yields undesired results. Nevertheless, a trial may be necessary to vindicate certain fundamental rights. For many disputes, however, there are alternatives to trial. This article addresses some of the alternatives, known collectively as "Alternative Dispute Resolution ('ADR')," and their potential benefit.


6/12/2014· Elevators - Escalator - Automatic Doors

Manual Door Closers - Do You Have an Open and Shut Case?

By: Michael Panish

During the past several years I have been contacted many times regarding door injury claims related to manual door closers. In response to numerous inquires asking if I have published any manual door closer articles similar to the primers I have done on automatic pedestrian doors, I am offering this article for general information to assist attorneys in determining potential issues relating to manual door closer mechanisms.


5/6/2011· Aerosols - Aerosol Products

Aerosol Anatomy - The Aerosol Laboratory Part 1

By: John Chadwick

This series, "Aerosol Anatomy," will dissect and examine various technical topics in aerosol technology, including product development, new technology, components of the aerosol system, and quality control.


4/5/2012· Animals

Protect Yourself When Buying A Horse

By: Bridget Brandon

Because the cost of a lawsuit is so steep, make sure your "horse transaction" is memorialized with a lawyer-prepared, well-written contract. The small contract prep charge will be a fraction of litigation expenses and heartbreak. If you cannot locate an equine attorney, an attorney specializing in contracts will work just fine. It always amazes me that written contracts are not demanded of every horse purchase or sale. Even on "small&qout; transactions…demand them in writing or do not do the "deal&qout;!


7/17/2015· Education & Schools

Kids In The Creek: Using STEM & Green Strategies to Transform Urban Schools

By: Dr. Virginia Rhodes

What does it take to improve science performance in an inner-city high school? Could a science "immersion" strategy change motivation and interest in science? How can we meet a key strategic goal of our urban district: "All students graduate and are prepared for postsecondary education, successful careers and productive citizenship."


6/4/2021· Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)

City Selects ERP System To Improve Its Service To Citizens

By: Panorama Consulting Group

Panorama was engaged by the city to select and assist in the implementation of a new ERP and related systems. Framed as an initiative to bring a high “return on citizenship” (the amount and quality of services received for taxpayer dollars) to the city’s constituents, the project’s goal was to implement a platform that would provide the same (or better) quality


12/1/2011· Engineering

Engineering: Your Internet Image Could Be Sabotaging Your Career

By: John Hoschette

With the wealth of knowledge available at the click of a mouse, the Internet is a wonderful tool that can really help accelerate your career. But have you ever stopped to consider what information about you might be available to others on the Internet?


3/3/2010· Biokinetics

Case Example: Bus Pedestrian Accident

By: Kerry L. Knapp, PhD

A city bus struck a canopy providing shade at a construction site; one of the tent support poles hit a crossing guard allegedly injuring her back. Did the canopy support pole cause an acute back injury?


11/29/2012· Aquatics Safety

Lifeguards Need to Train and Pre-Plan For Incidents

By: Gerald Dworkin

During an emergency is not when you want to discover that your equipment is incompatible with your EMS service. Avoiding that fate can save a lot, including a life.

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Prof. William J. Warfel, CPCU, CLU


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Bryan L. Parker, CPA/PFS, CFP, CLU, ChFC, CASL, FCPA


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