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11/6/2012· Plants & Trees

Guidelines for Protection of Trees on Construction Sites

By: Russell E. Carlson RCA, BCMA

To preserve certain mature trees within a construction site some precautions must be taken to assure that neither the trunk, limbs nor root system of the tree are excessively damaged.


10/26/2020· Healthcare Facilities - Hospitals

Flex Budgets: A Quick Guide For Hospitals

By: Sahel Shwayhat, MBA, FACHE

Hospitals, like most businesses, have budgets. While they all track their performance closely against that budget at the organizational level, many fail to do so with the same rigor at the cost center level, mainly due to lack of dependable reports. In this article, I will explain what flex budgeting is, how it is calculated, and why using it helps the organization.


8/19/2020· Radiology

Radiology Volumes Are Different From What Finance Is Reporting. Why Does That Keep Happening?

By: Sahel Shwayhat, MBA, FACHE

Many of us who have worked in hospitals have been there; you are in a meeting with Finance, and their handouts have what is supposed to be Radiology volumes, but they are different from what Radiology’s internal reports show. So, whose numbers are right?


3/18/2021· Healthcare Facilities - Hospitals

Anatomy Of A Hospital Flex Budget Report

By: Sahel Shwayhat, MBA, FACHE

What does a Flex report tell us? The two right most columns are the crux of the Flex report. One column shows how a department performed against a static budget (developed months earlier with certain assumptions in mind), and the other column shows how a department performed against a newly "flexed" budget, that took product volume and mix into consideration.


9/24/2020· Healthcare Facilities - Hospitals

Hospital Cost Accounting: Million Dollar Decisions Should Not Be Based on “Guesstimates”

By: Sahel Shwayhat, MBA, FACHE

All well-run businesses use data to drive their decisions. The higher the stakes, the more accuracy they demand from their data. Hospitals are businesses, even not-for-profit ones, and should conduct their operations like any other business. The area where hospitals lag far behind other businesses is in cost accounting.


6/27/2017· Finance

A Glowing connections Experiment

By: Sam Landis

A recent Donan forensic fire investigation found that a poor connection in a floor-mounted duplex receptacle was the cause of fire. The receptacle was located in the area of origin and all other identifiable causes were eliminated during the investigation. While conducting the research for this particular case, Donan investigators evaluated many scholarly sources in order to clearly educate the client on how a loose connection in a receptacle could lead to a structure fire which, in this case, nearly consumed the bedroom. The best explanation was found in the chemistry associated with the formation of an oxide that contributes to the condition.


2/7/2019· Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Case Study: Why Efficient Online Reputation Repair Involves More Than Content Suppression

By: Sameer Somal

At Blue Ocean Global Technology, we specialize and have extensive experience in cases of online reputation management (ORM). As a result, reputation repair is one of our key responsibilities. The following case study highlights how a company’s or individual’s digital reputation can be wrongfully damaged. It also demonstrates the wide dispersion of ORM service provider competence. Limited knowledge and experience in reputation repair hinder a digital marketing company’s ability to achieve optimal client results. As you will soon see, what’s most effective and efficient to achieve the desired outcome is not always employed. Digital marketing companies may only offer a complex approach at a substantial cost. We hope this case study will provide clarity and helpful guidance when conducting effective online reputation repair campaigns.


8/17/2023· Construction

Renovate Or Build- An Extremely Expensive Question

By: Sanford C. Loy

One would think today’s advanced construction processes, new and more efficient and innovative building materials combined with universal dimensional changes in design standards etc. would mean the cost of new construction would increasingly trend toward being less expensive than the cost of renovating.


3/30/2023· Construction

Construction Management Agency (CMa): Facts Not Fiction

By: Sanford C. Loy

A Construction Management agency (CMa) will administer these bonds for you to make sure they are written by viable and solvent bond companies who are on the government treasury list for approved bond companies.


12/14/2022· Construction

Design-Bid-Build, Design-Build Or Construction Management? Circa 2022

By: Sanford C. Loy

Any of these methods can produce beneficial results…but the decision as to which one is used must be made carefully with a full understanding of the pluses and minuses of each; each owner’s circumstances, risk tolerance, staffing, experience with construction, the degree to which the schedule and budget are respectively critical as well a

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