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10/22/2008· Electrical - Electrocution

Increased Risk of Electric Service Interruption Associated with Tree Branches Overhanging Conductors

By: Siegfried Guggenmoos

Abstract — Severe weather events such as ice and tropical storms routinely cause extensive damage to electrical distribution systems. Much of the damage and service loss can be attributed to trees. Events where service restoration spans days or weeks are generally closely examined through regulator directed hearings. Even when no specific actions are subsequently


10/22/2008· Electrical - Electrocution

Outside Right-of-Way Tree Risk Along Electrical Transmission Lines

By: Siegfried Guggenmoos

Abstract - For power transmission systems compliant with safety codes and reliability standards there remains a risk of tree-caused interruptions from the in-fall of trees from outside the right-of-way. This paper reports on the quantification of tree exposure outside National Grid’s transmission corridors and examines the variables impacting the risk of a line contact by trees


2/16/2011· Economics

Measuring The Loss Of Enjoyment Of Life In Personal Injury Cases In Washington - Hedonic Damages

By: Stan V. Smith

In most courts, the value of a human being is not recognized. According to the laws of many states, your life isn't worth a "plugged nickel" if you no longer work.


3/17/2011· Economics

Pseudo - Economists - The New Junk Scientists

By: Stan V. Smith

The increased use of economic experts in commercial damage cases, as well as in personal injury and wrongful death cases, has resulted in the emergence of a group of experts who offer economic services but are unqualified and ill-trained in economics.


12/11/2017· Economics

Effective Use of Economists as Expert Witnesses

By: Stanley P. Stephenson

Imagine you are lead counsel on an airline crash case in which more than 200 lives were lost, each involving a wrongful death case. A plaintiff attorney has hired an economist whose report on damages for one person, a Korean leather goods importer, exceeded $200 million. What should you do? Plaintiff’s expert is a Ph.D. from a top university who teaches economics and has many publications.


12/28/2017· Economics

Assessing Economic Damages in Wrongful Termination Cases

By: Stanley P. Stephenson

This paper presents a method for measuring economic damages in wrongful termination cases. Such cases present the damages expert with a problem since the available studies of earnings recovery after a job loss are based on a limited time period after a job loss and many workers never catch-up to the previous earnings level. A two-step approach is offered. First, the expert uses appropriate available empirical evidence to develop a typical earnings catch-up period. Second, the expert gathers information about case factors affecting the duration of the period to earnings catch-up. Using these factors, the expert modifies the base time period to develop a reasonable range of years for earnings catch-up. The ultimate choice of lost earnings is left for the court to decide, given the range presented by the expert. Cases directly or indirectly supporting this method are presented.


4/3/2008· Taxation

Excise Taxes For Unreasonable Compensation At Charities

By: Stephen D. Kirkland, CPA, CMC

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) now keeps a close eye on charities and social welfare organizations to ensure that their tax-exempt status is not abused. One of the primary factors the IRS now examines is the amounts of compensation and benefits provided by charities to their key employees


10/5/2009· Psychology

A Forensic Psychologist's Report In A Sexual Harassment, Hostile Work Environment And Retaliation Case

By: Stephen Reich, PhD

On September 24, 2007, I interviewed Ms. Rebecca White for a psychological evaluation and report. She was referred by her attorney, Peter G. Eikenberry, Esq. for a psychological evaluation in the context of her litigation against Charlie's Supermarkets where she alleged sexual harassment, a hostile work environment and retaliation.The following is based upon the psychological evaluation of Rebecca White.


7/31/2010· Product Liability

How Attorneys Should Choose Crate Experts

By: Sterling Anthony

An attorney involved with crate litigation might readily recognize the need for a packaging expert, yet, not be sufficiently aware of the specific knowledge and capabilities that best qualify that expert.


8/20/2007· Product Liability

Packaging and Product Liability

By: Sterling Anthony

A more appropriate term would be packaged product liability, because a packaged product consists of product + package, and either component (or both) can incur allegations of negligence, strict liability, and failure to warn

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