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2/25/2016· Transportation

Bad Regulations and Better Responses, Part 4: Judicial Heroism

By: Ned Einstein

Well, by now, the "Cat's Out of the Bag" about transportation network companies (TNCs). For this, we owe our thanks to National Bus Trader, Limo, Charter and Tours Magazine (especially) and the United Motorcoach Association. The August 15, 2015 issue of the UMA-sponsored Bus & Motorcoach News contained two articles about these previously-unfettered, robot-controlled beasts.


5/23/2016· Transportation

Bad Regulations and Better Responses Part 7: Conclusions

By: Ned Einstein

This final installment of this series provides the rewards for reading the first six: Starting-point ideas about things the motorcoach industry can do defend its density against intrusion from Transportation Network Companies (like Uber, Lyft and Sidecar), which have already begun plunging into the charter and tour sectors, mostly with medium-sized, body-on-chassis vehicles. It also includes things that would help increase profits and create new service opportunities - and compete with new, legitimate players penetrating the market.


9/30/2015· Transportation

Buses and Motorcoaches: Progressive Driver Assignment

By: Ned Einstein

Little in public transportation is as challenging as driving load upon load of wheelchair occupants, with unique needs (and often unique chairs), in all directions, with last-minute one-of-a-kind trips dispatched into tight schedules created days, or even weeks, in advance. Yet this is precisely what paratransit drivers do - hour after hour, day after day.


8/27/2014· Transportation

Bus Stops and Land Mines

By: Ned Einstein

Question: What is the difference between a poorly-selected and -designed bus stop and a land mine? Answer: Very little. When you step on either of them, your ankles, knees and hips are likely to explode. The genuine difference is that the carnage from land mines is intentional, whereas that of poorly-selected and -designed bus stops usually reflects incompetence and, often, indifference.


3/4/2014· Accident Investigation & Reconstruction

Buses and Motorcoaches: Jayne Mansfield and Mythology

By: Ned Einstein

For those readers who remember Jayne Mansfield, or even know who she was, this is not a story about her Hollywood exploits or bedroom acrobatics. It is a story about a common type of accident - a rear-ender involving an automobile striking a truck or bus - often referred to, in accident reconstruction circles, as "the Jayne Mansfield syndrome."


2/3/2016· Transportation

Bad Regulations and Better Responses: Part 3 - Invasion of the TNCs

By: Ned Einstein

These past five years, practically unnoticed until this last one, have witnessed the most radical change in public transportation since the introduction of scheduling software in the Early 90s: The invasion of traditional, analog services wallowing in their nostalgia by hyper- [or uber]-digital counterparts big on access, low on some concerns, and flying beneath virtually every City's and State's regulatory radar.


8/22/2012· Transportation

Negligent Retention and Driver Impunity

By: Ned Einstein

One would think in the Age of Irreversible and Growing Unemployment, employers could phase out their "dead wood" and find some personnel capable of performing their functions competently. Regrettably, bus agencies and companies are generally not among those which do.


6/20/2012· Automotive - Vehicular

Ten Most Stupid Things about Buses and Motorcoaches and their Operations

By: Ned Einstein

One of the unfortunate problems with non-news-oriented magazines is the juxtaposition of their readers' limited long-term memories coupled with the publishers' reluctance to repeat themes (much less whole articles) that are not linked to stories that reflect continuing news or problems.


11/20/2010· Slip, Trip & Fall

Slip And Fall

By: Nicholas Propes, PhD, Ash Thakker, PhD, Jyoti Ajit

A "slip and fall" or "trip and fall" is the generic term for an injury which occurs when someone slips, trips or falls as a result of a dangerous or hazardous condition on someone else's property. It includes falls as a result of water, ice or snow, as well as abrupt changes in flooring, poor lighting, or a hidden hazard, such as a gap or hard to see hole in the ground


4/18/2019· Education & Schools

School Violence, Safety, and Security - Expert Witness Perspectives

By: Nick Rishwain, JD

A summary of prespective on school violence, safety and security from various experts and members of

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