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9/19/2022· Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)

Product Supply Company Finds Comprehensive ERP To Replace Its Legacy System

By: Panorama Consulting Group

While the company had little technological communication either internally or with its sister firm, the company was growing by leaps and bounds. It needed to modernize its technology and improve its business processes to continue providing outstanding customer service while meeting increased sales demand.


8/14/2023· Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)

Tribal Government Selects Modern EHR System To Integrate Functions Across Its Health Services

By: Panorama Consulting Group

The Tribe hired Panorama to assist in selecting software to support its Health Service functions. This software would replace the Tribe’s current health systems. In the first phase of the project, we documented business and technical requirements, reviewed legacy systems, mapped processes, and identified pain points across


8/11/2022· Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)

Consumer Services Company Replaces Custom Software With Modern ERP System

By: Panorama Consulting Group

This consumer services company in Denver was using custom software developed in an AS/400 environment. Many of its core business processes were either manual or paper-based, and the company was struggling with the issue of sole dependency on a single employee who understood the legacy systems.


5/26/2022· Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)

Tax And Accounting Firm Reviews Business Needs To Narrow Its ERP Selection Options

By: Panorama Consulting Group

A tax and accounting firm with revenue between $500,000 and $1,000,000, was growing both organically and through acquisition. This firm had a conglomerate of various software. The main financial system (used for time, billing, and financials) was at “end of life,” meaning it was not going to be supported by the vendor in about two years time.


3/9/2022· Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)

Pulp Manufacturer Implements Modern Platform While Ensuring Employee Engagement And Buy-In

By: Panorama Consulting Group

Client Uses environmentally sustainable practices to produce approximately 650,000 tons of chlorine-free, bleach kraft pulp annually. Generates approximately $155 million in annual revenue...


2/10/2022· Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)

Manufacturing Firm Selects Modern ERP System To Enable Growth And Streamline Production

By: Panorama Consulting Group

This plastic and rubber injection molding company processes orders using both a made-to-order process and engineer-to-order process. The company engineers to order through a variety of CAD systems and must undergo first article inspections prior to running production batches.


1/12/2022· Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)

Nevada Irrigation District Replaces Aging ERP System With Technology Providing Robust Reporting Capabilities

By: Panorama Consulting Group

The district contracted Panorama to help in the replacement of its existing systems with a proven, commercial-off-the-shelf ERP system. The client undertook this initiative to replace aging systems, gain efficiencies and update existing processes. Another goal was to improve the timeliness, accuracy, safeguarding and consistency of information


7/14/2021· Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)

Non-Profit Selects Modern ERP System To Replace Outdated ERP System

By: Panorama Consulting Group

The organization was founded in 1981 as a nonprofit, tax-exempt 501(c)(3) organization. It does not just encompass a non-profit organization but also encompasses a for-profit company that has a different fiscal year. As such, the organization must focus on tracking, reporting and financial record keeping – including tracking grants and gifts from contributor to the end-product or support delivered.


3/14/2021· Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)

Meat Processor Selects Modern ERP System To Keep Pace With Its Rapid Growth

By: Panorama Consulting Group

Vertical integration allows the company to control all aspects of beef production. It partners with ranchers and operates feed lots, ensuring cattle are fed to their standards. In addition to its processing capabilities, the company operates its own trucking line, providing products from farm to table. The company supplies beef to the US retail grocery and foodservice markets, federal school lunch programs and the US military worldwide.


1/18/2024· Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)

How To Recover From A Failed Software Implementation: Get Back On Track

By: Panorama Consulting Group

When companies undergo an ERP implementation, sometimes, the project doesn’t go according to plan. Thankfully, there’s a good chance you may still be able to salvage it. If you kept a change log, have a grasp on the challenges you encountered, and have evidence of which parties were behind the collapse, you could find a way forward.

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