4/17/2013· Discovery & Electronic Discovery
An Introduction to the eDiscovery Process
E-Discovery is the process of collecting and exchanging electronically stored information (ESI) that is requested during the discovery phase in civil litigation.
4/17/2013· Discovery & Electronic Discovery
An Introduction to the eDiscovery Process
E-Discovery is the process of collecting and exchanging electronically stored information (ESI) that is requested during the discovery phase in civil litigation.
4/16/2013· Food & Beverage
By: Dr. Ewen Todd
In this article, the third in a series of several reviewing the role of food workers in 816 foodborne outbreaks, factors contributing to outbreaks and descriptions of different categories of worker involvement are discussed.
4/12/2013· Aerosols - Aerosol Products
Controlling Particle Size in Self-Pressurized Aerosol Packages
By: John Chadwick
When the actuator is pressed on an aerosol can, the valve is opened, and a stream of liquid product travels thought the valve and exits the can.
4/11/2013· Investigation & Surveillance
The Truth About Surveillance Systems : Reality vs. TV
By: Bryan Neumeister
We've all seen the TV crime shows where the forensic technician opens the grainy surveillance, then zooms in on a tiny face, license plate or scrap of paper, hits the enhance button and, magically, the image becomes sharp and clear (accompanied by appropriate background music).
4/5/2013· Engineering
Case Study: Coke Oven Battery Analysis
By: Bill O'Donnell
A comprehensive engineering analysis was performed on a coke oven battery roof and heating walls. Coke oven batteries are constructed with refractory bricks.
4/2/2013· Failure Analysis
Forensic Clues: Structural Failures
Structural failures of buildings range from catastrophic building failures involving mass loss of life and/or property to structural problems such as sagging floors or ceilings, leaning walls, cracking or sinking foundations.
3/27/2013· Fires & Explosions
Fires: Spontaneous Human Combustion (SHC)
By: Jeffrey Williams
Books (e.g., Spontaneous Human Combustion) and TV shows on SHC have given a couple of new meanings to the term heartburn.
3/25/2013· Warnings & Labels
When Suing a Drug Company For Failure to Warn: Avoid Generics
I just came back from my phannacy where I picked up two prescriptions for my seasonal allergies. One was a name brand product and another was a generic.
3/19/2013· Food & Beverage
Food Safety in Casino Restaurants
By: Jeff Nelken
Looking back over the years, I find it somewhat of a paradox that restaurant owners are forever telling me that they don't have to worry about the temperature of their refrigerators and freezers during the night.
3/15/2013· Damages
Proving Damages in Trademark Cases
Proving damages in trademark litigation-typically lost profits or disgorgement of the defendant's profits-generally involves citing the infringer's sales of the infringing product.