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Digital Forensics Expert Witness Larry Leibrock
Larry Leibrock, PhD
Austin TX
phone: 512-288-2064

Larry Leibrock, PhDi, is the founder and officer for eForensics, where he leads the Digitial Systems Security team and performs Cyber Enabled Investigations. His primary research and practitioner competencies focus on Enterprise Forensics dealing with a wide range of client devices, networks, and servers which interplay in electronic discovery investigations.
Litigation Support - Dr. Leibrock has conducted over 100 digital forensics examinations, testified in over 20 hearings / trials and taught basic to advanced digital forensics tutorials in 8 countries. He has served as an expert in US Federal Courts, US State Courts, and for international authorities including Mexico, Iraq, and Afghanistan.
Dr. Leibrock's digital forensics investigations range from: administrative disputes, possession of contraband pornography, malicious network intrusions to capitol espionage cases. As a digital forensics expert, he has served in consulting and testifying capacities in civil defendant and plaintiff and criminal prosecution defendant disputes. In addition, he has served as court appointed special master in forensics intellectual property disputes.
Areas of Expertise:
Dr. Leibrock is a member of the Department of Defense Software Engineering Institute and a participant in the Air Force Software Technology Conference. He has formerly served as a senior lecturer, Associate Dean, and the Chief Technology Officer for the University of Texas Graduate School of Business and College of Business Administration. He has taught courses in Forensics, Digital Evidence, Computer Security and IT systems and the undergraduate, graduate and Law School level. Dr. Leibrock is a member of American College of Forensics Examiners, IEEE, ACM, Internet Society, and USENIX/SAGE.
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by Gordon Culp, et al
by Max G. Ansbacher
by Alan David Kaye; Adam M Kaye; Richard D Urman (Eds)