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8/2/2012· Plants & Trees

Tree Removal Liability Sharing

By: John Harris

The number of storms in recent years increases the need for better tree and landscape decisions for property owners. Research regarding landscape damages for different storm intensities, what plants get knocked down by winds more often, and priorities for landscape restoration have been intensified by many southern state universities' forestry and horticultural departments.


3/7/2012· Plants & Trees

Tree and Landscape Appraisal: Jurisdiction Determines the Appraisal or Valuation Method

By: John Harris

The value of a tree can only be determined if we agree. Any value given, whether by a layperson or a professional, is real when another person involved in the process agrees to that value. The value used in the final decision can also be a different value from the one determined by the experts who worked on it (especially when the experts worked on different sides of a valuation case).


10/22/2008· Electrical - Electrocution

Outside Right-of-Way Tree Risk Along Electrical Transmission Lines

By: Siegfried Guggenmoos

Abstract - For power transmission systems compliant with safety codes and reliability standards there remains a risk of tree-caused interruptions from the in-fall of trees from outside the right-of-way. This paper reports on the quantification of tree exposure outside National Grid’s transmission corridors and examines the variables impacting the risk of a line contact by trees

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