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3/13/2013· Food & Beverage

Outbreaks Where Food Workers Have Been Implicated in the Spread of Foodborne Disease. Part 2. Description of Outbreaks by Size, Severity, and Settings

By: Dr. Ewen Todd

This article is the second in a series of several by members of the Committee on the Control of Foodborne Illness of the International Association of Food Protection, and it continues the analysis of 816 outbreaks where food workers were implicated in the spread of foodborne disease.


1/23/2013· Food & Beverage

Outbreaks Where Food Workers Have Been Implicated in the Spread of Foodborne Disease - Part 1: Description of the Problem, Methods, and Agents Involved

By: Dr. Ewen Todd

Food workers in many settings have been responsible for foodborne disease outbreaks for decades, and there is no indication that this is diminishing. The Committee on Control of Foodborne Illnesses of the International Association for Food Protection was tasked with collecting and evaluating any data on worker-associated outbreaks.


4/10/2012· Food & Beverage

The Ability to Self-Affirm the Safety of Novel Food and Dietary Supplement Ingredients And Market Them on Your Own Recognizance

By: Dr. Sanford Bigelow

How do you know if your novel ingredient is safe before you commercialize it in your food or dietary supplement product? There exists a process to self-affirm safety without having to wait 6 months for an FDA acknowledgement or wait 6 years for an FDA food additive approval.


11/3/2009· Food & Beverage

Confronting Food & Beverage Quality Failures with Analytical Chemistry

By: Chemir Analytical Services

Quality issues or product failures can cause manufacturing shut-downs, customer complaints or even legal disputes. These problems include contamination, off-flavors/colors/odors, toxic substances, migration/leaching and packaging failures.

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Biochemical Mechanisms and Regulation...

by Harry A. Milman, PhD, Eugene Elmore (Eds.)

The Turbulent World of Middle East...

by James M. Dorsey, PhD broker Movie Ad

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