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4/18/2010· Digital Forensics

Moving Toward A Science Of Digital Forensic Evidence Examination

By: Dr. Frederick B. Cohen

Like almost every scientific endeavor, the examination of digital forensic evidence (DFE) started out somewhere between an art and a craft. People with special skills and knowledge leverage that skill set and knowledge base to put forth notions about the meaning of DFE in the context of legal matters. While the court system greatly appreciates science and its role through expert testimony in providing probative information, that appreciation is substantially challenged by the lack of a scientific base, in the form of adequate peer reviewed publications associated with professional societies,


4/18/2010· Digital Forensics

Fonts For Forensics

By: Dr. Frederick B. Cohen

Like other latent evidence that cannot be directly perceived by people, bit sequences have to be presented through tools. Presentations of digital forensic evidence often involve the presentation of text versions of bit sequences representing traces of events that took place within digital systems.


4/18/2010· Digital Forensics

COFEE And The State Of Digital Forensics

By: Dr. Frederick B. Cohen

Computer Online Forensic Evidence Extractor (COFEE) is a software program developed by Microsoft for use by law enforcement. It was held closely by law enforcement for a period of time until it was revealed in the last year, and subsequently, several individuals released software intended to defeat the utility of COFEE.

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Evolution of an Academic Department

by Barry S. Verkauf, MD

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