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6/14/2016· Insurance

Life Insurance and Retirement - The Unvarnished Truth

By: Willard Brumbaugh

Having spent over 45 years in the life insurance business, I had become frustrated with the books that I had been reading that promote permanent life insurance in a manner that I considered exaggerated or flawed. I shared my frustration with several people who responded by challenging me to write a response that says what should have been said by these other authors.


3/24/2009· Security

Life Rage – Is the World Going Mad?

By: Timothy A. Dimoff

School shootings - church shootings - road rage – bullying - workplace rage. We are so angry! It seems as if there are no boundaries anymore. Have we completely forgotten how to deal with life’s setbacks in a civilized manner? Have we become a world full of life’s rages


2/24/2015· Damages

Life-Care Planners Can Help Simplify Damages For The Jury

By: Ronald T. Smolarski

How do you determine what care and how much money a chronically or catastrophically disabled individual will need for the rest of his or her life? Some attorneys representing either the plaintiff or the defendant in such cases are now getting the expert help they need from specially trained rehabilitation consultants called "life care planners".


3/26/2015· Life Expectancy - Life Care Planning

Life-Care Planners Can Offer Attorneys Unique Expertise

By: Ronald T. Smolarski

How funds are handled after the settlement of a case reflects the competency and knowledge of attorneys and recognizes their outstanding legal skills. This article focuses on the management of settlement proceeds and the maintenance aspect of the care of a client with a disability when that client's financial health is turned over to a trust attorney, relationship manager, financial planner, trust officer or estate planner.


11/29/2012· Aquatics Safety

Lifeguards Need to Train and Pre-Plan For Incidents

By: Gerald Dworkin

During an emergency is not when you want to discover that your equipment is incompatible with your EMS service. Avoiding that fate can save a lot, including a life.


9/6/2017· Failure Analysis

Liquid Impact Glass Failure Analysis

By: Dr. Thomas Read

As "water hammer" (i.e. liquid impact) has the potential to cause glass bottle failure, Read Consulting LLC created two such failures to study the resulting fracture surface details.


9/4/2022· Telecommunication

Long Live The Revolution In 5G: With SA, 5G-A5dvanced, 6G, Virtualizatio4n, O-RAN And Competition Among Industry Standard Computer Hardware Platforms

By: Keith Malinson

Change will be huge but gradual over the next decade. With 5G yet to make its mark beyond eMBB, a second wave of growth including widespread implementation of IoT using 5G SA, and with mMTC and eURLLC including enterprise deployments, will have major impact commencing around 2025.


11/25/2009· Damages

Lost Inventory and Lost Profits Damage Formulas in Litigation

By: Jay Abrams, ASA, CPA, MBA

This article arose from an actual litigation. To protect the identity of the parties, I usefictional names.


11/26/2012· Damages

Lost Profits Damages to New Businesses: Adjusting for Survival

By: Dr. Stanley Stephenson

Survival risk of new businesses is a challenging issue to incorporate into lost profits analyses used in litigation, an issue some financial experts and courts ignore rather than consider explicitly. This paper considers several ways to make qualitative and quantitative adjustments for the survival rates of new businesses.


12/17/2013· Elevators - Escalator - Automatic Doors

Low Energy Door Systems A Basic Primer for Your Next Door Injury Case

By: Michael Panish

In conjunction with many other articles that I have had published pertaining to high energy doors, or what most people think of when they say automatic doors, low energy systems can be equally dangerous and need to be appropriately and properly maintained.

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Douglas L.
Douglas Seemann, BCE

Board Certified Entomologist

BCE Services, LLC

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Bryan L. Parker, CPA/PFS, CFP, CLU, ChFC, CASL, FCPA


Bryan L. Parker, CPA, LLC

Aaron T.
Aaron T. Olson

Police Practices and Human Resources Expert

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