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8/7/2006· Business Management

Dealing with Difficult People

By: Dorothy Pederson

The business of service is an interesting one to say the least. The subtle path to success lies in knowing ourselves. You might ask what I mean. What I am saying is that it is only in gaining understanding into our own feelings, reactions, and habits that we master the real art of relationship. It is always all about us


9/13/2019· Recreation & Sports

Death of Female Iranian Soccer Fan Puts FIFA and Asian Soccer Body in the Dock

By: James M. Dorsey, PhD

When Sahar Khodayari this week set herself alight in front of a Tehran courthouse, she indicted world soccer body FIFA, its Asian regional group, the Asian Football Confederation (AFC), and their presidents, Gianni Infantino and Sheikh Salman bin Ebrahim Al Khalifa.


5/14/2009· Automotive - Vehicular

Deciphering the NHTSA Event Data Recorder Ruling

By: Shawn Gyorke

Vehicle Event Data Recorders (EDRs), commonly referred to as Black Boxes, are part of a vehicle’s airbag control module or powertrain control module. EDRs can be configured to record a variety of data when a vehicle is involved in a crash event. The data sets range from pre-impact speed and brake use, to airbag and restraint system


2/28/2019· Accident Prevention & Safety

Defective Vertical Baler Causes Serious Crush Injury to Operator's Arm

By: Jeffrey Warren

I recently worked on an interesting case involving a box baler. An employee of a butcher shop put some empty cardboard boxes in a vertical box baler and pushed the control switch to compact the boxes. After the 30 by 60 inch platen weighing 851 pounds returned to its raised position, the employee reached into the open space above the bottom door on the baler and began to clear cardboard from the bale tie slots in the bottom of the raised platen. Suddenly, and without warning, the steel pin attaching the platen to the raised hydraulic cylinder rod failed. The heavy steel platen fell and crushed his arm which was outstretched over the baler door into the compaction space.


4/5/2024· Failure Analysis

Defending Assets: A Legal Perspective On Corrosion Prevention

By: Jose Villalobos, PE

Corrosion poses a significant threat to various industries, and its impact on assets cannot be underestimated. As an engineer, you might wonder how this topic can be of interest to an attorney. Well, attorneys play a crucial role in protecting their clients' interests, and corrosion prevention aligns seamlessly with legal strategies aimed at safeguarding assets. In this article, we will explore the legal implications of corrosion and the role attorneys can play in mitigating its risks.


1/23/2023· Professional Malpractice

Defending Legal Malpractice Claims In California And Nevada - A Day At The Beach or Stranded In The Desert?

By: William A. Muñoz, Esq

Let's face it, as attorneys, the last thing that we want to deal with is a legal malpractice claim by a disgruntled former client who has gone the extra mile and sued us claiming that our conduct fell below the applicable standard of care and they were damaged as a result. If you have the misfortune of facing a legal malpractice claim that could conceivably be brought in either jurisdiction, the odds are that California is the more favorable venue.


4/12/2021· Transportation

Defending Public Transportation Contractors, Part 1: Lead Agencies and Brokers

By: Ned Einstein

For decades, motorcoach providers have provided commuter-express service, under contract, to transit agencies (and, occasionally, to municipalities, counties or regions which do not have formal transit agencies). Particularly in the past 20 years, this role has expanded:


7/18/2021· Transportation

Defending Public Transportation Contractors: The History Of Contracting And Brokerage

By: Ned Einstein

In many cases, the negligence of lead agencies and brokers are the principal proximate causes of an incident; in some cases, it comprises the sole proximate causes. For this reason, understanding the dynamics among these three entities – private operating companies, lead agencies and brokers - is the key to


9/17/2021· Transportation

Defending Public Transportation Contractors: The Whistleblower's Song (Part 3)

By: Ned Einstein

As we struggle to bounce back, limited stimulus funds notwithstanding, it would help to know what we are in for. Reducing bloated public sector transportation costs are likely a part of that future. In response, private contracting should explode. But this does not mean the operating environment will be rosy, or even coherent.


1/27/2023· Medical Malpractice

Defense Support - Paralysis Following An Epidural Injection

By: Joel L. Kent, MD

In this case I was asked to assist in the defense of a physician who had performed a T5/6 epidural on a patient who subsequently developed an epidural hematoma and resultant spinal cord injury with paralysis. The suit contended that the injuries sustained by the patient were the result of negligent..

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Jeffrey Alan
Dr. Jeffrey Alan Sugar, MD

Assistant Professor of Clinical Psychiatry at USC

Jeffrey Alan Sugar, MD

Laura Miele, PhD

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