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1/28/2006· Failure Analysis

Wine Bottle Failure Analysis

By: Dr. Thomas Read

Note: Glass Fractography is the most effective method for determining why a glass object, such as a bottle, failed. This technique consists of examining the fracture surfaces of the failure for artifacts such as Wallner lines and using them to trace the crack back to its origin


11/28/2012· Child Witch Phenomenon

Witchcraft Accusations: A Protection Concern for UNHCR and the Wider Humanitarian Community?

By: Gary Foxcroft

Stepping Stones Nigeria is a grassroots, child rights NGO that works with partner organizations in the Niger Delta region of Nigeria to protect, save and transform the lives of vulnerable children.


11/11/2015· Insurance

Workers Comp Shock Audits: 5 Common Causes

By: Edward Priz, CPCU, APA

Employers generally realize that the initial premium they pay for Workers Compensation insurance isn't the final premium for that coverage-Workers Comp is normally subject to an audit after the policy ends, to adjust premium charges based on actual payroll amounts. When the policy starts, after all, payroll amounts can only be estimated for the coming year. So it's routine for employers of any size to undergo a Workers Compensation premium audit, and to receive an audit statement that often seeks some additional premium.


4/22/2011· Documentation Examination & Analysis

Working With An Expert Witness

By: Wendy Carlson

We appreciate Windle Turley, Esq. for his excellent lecture on "Working with an Expert Witness...the Plaintiff Attorney's Prospective."


12/20/2011· Aquatics Safety

Working With EMS Can Enhance Your Rescuer Services

By: Gerald Dworkin

For aquatics facilities to effectively integrate rescue and safety services with those of the local fire and rescue agencies and emergency medical services (EMS), it's imperative that all agencies establish collaborative agreements and cooperative training programs.


4/28/2017· Insurance

Working With Expert Witnesses: Tips That Are Not In The Civil Rules

By: Frederick Fisher, JD, CCP, and Louie Castoria, Esq

Insurance defense attorneys inhabit a confusing world in which even the "routine case" may need an expert witness for trial or a consultant to help with an early evaluation for settlement purposes. The legal precedents, regulations, and such don't often say what the profession's standard of care in the community is in the exact situation.


4/3/2009· Workplace Violence

Workplace Violence: A Legal Perspective

By: Rebecca A. Speer

Workplace violence presents one of the greatest challenges an organization can face. Poised at the intersection of corporate oversight and law enforcements purview, threats and violence that affect the workplace generate a wealth of concerns for management


7/22/2023· Elder Abuse

World Elder Abuse Day: Taking A Stand Against The Silent Epidemic

By: Marguerita Cheng

Elder abuse is a growing concern that directly impacts the financial security and dignity of older adults. On June 15, 2023 people around the globe observed World Elder Abuse Day, a powerful reminder of the importance of protecting our aging population from financial exploitation and other forms of abuse.


1/14/2016· Nursing

Wound Care: Safety Report Could Have Mitigated Injury

By: Dr. Patricia J. Bartzak

Electronic documents provided by Attorney Sample were reviewed to develop a nursing expert opinion. The documents reviewed included the Operating Room Report, Post-Anesthesia Care Unit records, Neurology Notes, Medical Progress Reports, Nursing Notes and Care Plans, Respiratory Flowsheets, Laboratory Results, Vital Sign and Infusion Flow Sheets and Written Orders.


8/22/2008· Medical - Medicine

XECTCBF Should Be Performed Before TPA Administration In Acute Ischemic Stroke

By: Dr. John S. Meyer

NINDS Stroke Study Group has recommended intravenous (IV) or intra-arterial (IA) thrombolytic therapy in acute ischemic stroke utilizing recombinant tissue plasminogen activator (rtpa) for treatment of acute ischemic stroke, as approved by the U.S. FDA; provided that treatment is initiated within 3 hours for intravenous and within 4 hours via arterial catheters inserted into thrombosed cerebral vessels, timed from the time of stroke onset

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