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12/26/2013· Warnings & Labels

Warning: Bengay And Icyhot May Cause Chemical Burns

By: Dr. Gerald M. Goldhaber

Tara Godoy, the President of University Park Legal Nurse Consulting in the Northern San Francisco Bay Area recently brought to our attention via a posting on the Expert Witness Network that the FDA earlier this month has issued a consumer advisory warning the public that popular topical pain relieving products such as IcyHot and Bengay have been linked to a risk of a rare chemical burn injury.


4/18/2014· Warnings & Labels

Warning: Failure To Ignore Myths About Flu May Cause Flu

By: Dr. Gerald M. Goldhaber

According to news reported almost daily, we are and will continue to experience flu activity in the United States at record levels. Both the CDC and the Mayors of major cities such as Boston and New York have declared public health emergencies blaming the current raging flu epidemic. We all know the symptoms of the flu: aches and pains throughout the body; blocked or runny nose; chills and cold sweats, fever, fatigue or sore throat. Most medical experts agree that the quickest and safest way to prevent the flu is to get a flu shot and let the vaccine now on the market stop the epidemic spread of the flu. Sadly, as of this date, slightly more than 1/3 of our citizens got vaccinated.


4/29/2013· Warnings & Labels

Warning: Mayor Bloomberg's Food Policies For New York City May Be Beneficial To Your Health

By: Gerald M. Goldhaber, PhD

Mayor Michael Bloomberg of New York City this month has proposed a ban on restaurants, theatres and food carts regulated by the City selling soft drinks in excess of 16 ounces.


1/29/2014· Warnings & Labels

Warning: Obesity Rates In America Will Soar By 2030

By: Dr. Gerald M. Goldhaber

As we approach the holiday season this year, we should keep in mind a new study released last month warns that 42% of Americans could be obese by 2030 (up from 36% in 2010) and 11% could be severely obese, which means about 100 pounds overweight (vs. 6% in 2010). The study, done by the Trust for America's Health and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation projects that in every state the rate of obesity could reach 42% and in thirteen states, that number could exceed 60% of the population. Mississippi, which currently leads the nation in obesity rates, could have as many as 2/3 of its population obese by 2030.


3/26/2014· Warnings & Labels

Warnings: When Do They Help, When Do They Hurt?

By: Dr. Kenneth Solomon

In essence, to warn is to place someone on advance notice of a danger or a potential danger. To warn requires that the person or people giving the warning have a superior knowledge of the harm or potential harm compared to the person or people exposed. Further, the person or the people who are warning must also have a superior knowledge of the means of reducing either the likelihood and/or the magnitude of the harm or potential harm as compared with the person or people exposed.


4/23/2015· Failure Analysis

Weld Failure Analysis: Chair Failure Due to Inadequate Weld

By: Dr. Thomas Read

Read Consulting was asked to determine why a welded chair failed and caused injury to the person sitting in it.


9/30/2008· Banking

What Banking Regulators Want: A Guide to Bracing For Your Next Examination

By: Catherine A. Ghiglieri

Bankers are hearing horror stories about examiners’ demands and are confused as to how to plan for their next examination. What should they focus on? And will those things be the wrong things when the examiners come into their bank


2/25/2021· Digital / Crypto Currency

What Criminal Defense Attorneys Need To Know About Bitcoins

By: Beth Mohr, CFE, CAMS, CCCI

What is Bitcoin, and how might it impact your practice as a criminal defense attorney? In this article we’ll look at Bitcoin, what it is and how it works; we’ll discuss how bitcoins are used, both for illicit purposes, as well as for legal and legitimate business purposes. We will also examine how you might encounter bitcoins; discover ways


10/29/2020· Manufacturing

What Happens When You Decide To Leave China?

By: Rosemary Coates

Reshoring and manufacturing in America is hot. Companies are now considering the possibilities of returning manufacturing to the USA. According to a recent study, 54% of all US companies over $1 billion in revenues are planning or considering bringing at least some of their manufacturing back to the US.


9/4/2022· Life Expectancy - Life Care Planning

What Is A Life Care Plan? Breaking Down The Definition, Part 1

By: Stokes & Associates

According to the International Academy of Life Care Planners, a life care plan is “a dynamic document based upon published standards of practice, comprehensive assessment, data analysis, and research, which provides an organized, concise plan for current and future needs with associated costs for individuals who have experienced catastrophic injury or have chronic health care needs

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