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9/13/2019· Medical - Medicine

Vertebral and Carotid Artery Dissections

By: Dr. Sajid Khan

Cervical arterial dissections most commonly occur in the carotid arteries, followed by the vertebral arteries. Vertebral artery dissection (VAD) often presents after a trivial injury such as hyperextension of the neck while at the salon...


8/21/2017· Intellectual Property

Viral Videos Challenging the Enforcement of Copyrights

By: Scott D. Hampton

In an effort to move United States copyright law into the digital age, Congress passed the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) in 1998. The DMCA is the beginning of an ongoing effort to modernize the nation's copyright law.1 In an ever-changing digital world, copyright law must continue to evolve with technology.


4/3/2020· Intellectual Property

VirnetX Prevails as Supreme Court Denies Apple’s Writ of Certiorari Regarding Patent Damages Apportionment

By: Scott D. Hampton

On February 24, 2020, VirnetX announced the U.S. Supreme Court denied Apple’s petition for a writ of certiorari. Apple had asked the High Court to consider the Federal Circuit’s claimed misguided use of prior license agreements to calculate patent infringement damage awards without satisfying the Supreme Court’s precedent that an apportionment between patented and non-patented features of multi-component products be performed in every case


12/29/2011· Eyewitness Testimony

Visual Perception in Low-Light Levels: Implications for Shooting Incidents

By: Dr. Paul Michel, OD

While on evening patrol, officers discovered two men lurking near a closed gas station in a high-crime area. In the confrontation that followed, the officers fired on the suspects, one of whom appeared to be holding a shotgun.


1/10/2024· Vocational Rehabilitation And Counseling

Vocational Rehabilitation Considerations In Burn Cases

By: Stokes & Associates

Many factors influence the vocational prognosis of individuals who have experienced burn injuries, including residual functional limitations, the environment of the job(s), the need for ongoing scar revision and treatment/therapies, and unique clothing needs/requirements


11/23/2010· Crisis Management

Vulnerabilities And Threats: A Relationship Not Always Understood

By: Luiz Hargreaves, AAS, MD, Msc

In recent years, organizations have increasingly been incorporating strategic planning into management. All organizations, including State(s), have missions, values and visions. In other words, it is necessary for everyone in these organizations to understand what it means to work for this corporation or what it means to be a government employee.


10/10/2010· Risk Management

Vulnerability And Risk Assessment In The Environment Of Care

By: Robert Owles, Jr, MA, MBA, CSC

Vulnerabilities are opportunities, opportunities for crime, opportunities for rule breaking violations, opportunities for loss. By definition, a vulnerability is a weakness or gap in a security program that can be exploited by threats to gain unauthorized access to an asset. Vulnerabilities include structural, procedural, electronic, human and other elements which provide opportunities to attack assets


11/12/2015· Accident Prevention & Safety

Waiting for a Transformation

By: Thomas Barth

As I see it, there needs to be some changes made in the crane industry. So much rides on updated federal regulations, featuring multi-lateral programs that are created and set in place by a network of people with little or no field experience (yet they are considered to be either "experts or professionals").


11/19/2013· Warnings & Labels

Warning: Are Natural Foods Natural?

By: Dr. Gerald M. Goldhaber

Last month, two California mothers sued General Mills claiming that they falsely advertised and deceptively marketed its Nature Valley products as "natura1" when they contain highly processed ingredients such as high fructose com syrup, and high maltose corn syrup and maltodextrin, a thickener that also adds sweetness to food. The lawsuit was filed in the United States District Court for the Northern Division of California and charges General Mills with false advertising and anticompetitiveness under California law.


9/5/2012· Warnings & Labels

Warning: Automobile Connectivity May Lead To Early Grave

By: Gerald M. Goldhaber, PhD

My former business partner, Marshall McLuhan was fond of telling me that North Americans go out of their homes to be quiet (compared with Europeans who go out to be social).

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