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2/14/2013· Design

The High Cost of Saving Money: Corporate Design Management Faces Downsizing, Outsourcing, Elimination

By: Rob Wallace

Several months ago, a well-respected Fortune 500 consumer products corporation asked its design leader to fire his entire staff and re-hire them under the payroll of one of its pre-press consultants. As a reward for completing this awkward transition, the design manager was, in turn, laid off.


1/9/2013· Intellectual Property

Marked Recovery

By: Antonio R. Sarabia II

EIGHT YEARS AGO Congress decided that the existing means for awarding damages for trademark infringement were not deterring this illegal practice and decided to supplement these measures with statutory damages-a specific range that a court could award even in the absence of proof of a plaintiff's losses or the defendant's profits.


3/19/2012· Aquatics Safety

Risk Management: Compatibility Issues

By: Gerald Dworkin

I’ve always advocated the need for aquatics facilities to collaborate and coordinate lifeguard and water rescue training and emergency operations with community fire, rescue, emergency medical services (EMS) and law enforcement agencies.


5/23/2017· Transportation

Autonomous and Inevitable, Part 4: Invasion By Mode - Large Vehicles

By: Ned Einstein

As Part 2 of this series hopefully demonstrated there is much to learn about what lies ahead in the motorcoach world from the experiences of modes deploying smaller vehicles. This installment provides a preview of the likely emergence of "highly-automated vehicles," or HAVs, in the world of large vehicles: School bus, transit and motorcoach service.


11/9/2016· Transportation

The Arrival of Self Driving Cars in the Mix of Traffic

By: Richard Beaubien

As traffic engineers we take care to plan, design, and operate our roads for all users. When we are working in a complex urban environment, we must consider pedestrians, wheelchairs, vision impaired, bicycles, buses, and trucks. When we add automated, connected, and self-driving vehicles to the mix the complexity becomes more complex. That is why the profession is challenging and interesting.


4/23/2013· Aquatics Safety

Mouth-To-Mask Rescue Breathing and Comparisons of Personal Resuscitation Masks

By: Gerald Dworkin

Because of the major health concerns today, there is a major reluctance among emergency service personnel to perform direct mouth-to-mouth rescue breathing on an unknown victim.


2/3/2016· Transportation

Bad Regulations and Better Responses: Part 3 - Invasion of the TNCs

By: Ned Einstein

These past five years, practically unnoticed until this last one, have witnessed the most radical change in public transportation since the introduction of scheduling software in the Early 90s: The invasion of traditional, analog services wallowing in their nostalgia by hyper- [or uber]-digital counterparts big on access, low on some concerns, and flying beneath virtually every City's and State's regulatory radar.


6/20/2012· Automotive - Vehicular

Ten Most Stupid Things about Buses and Motorcoaches and their Operations

By: Ned Einstein

One of the unfortunate problems with non-news-oriented magazines is the juxtaposition of their readers' limited long-term memories coupled with the publishers' reluctance to repeat themes (much less whole articles) that are not linked to stories that reflect continuing news or problems.


11/1/2012· Medicine

New Therapeutic Options for Lower-Extremity Ulcers

By: Dr. Jeffrey Stone

Adequate debridement, control of infection, off-loading of pressure, and appropriate topical management are the most important interventions in treating nonhealing wounds.


5/14/2009· Automotive - Vehicular

Deciphering the NHTSA Event Data Recorder Ruling

By: Shawn Gyorke

Vehicle Event Data Recorders (EDRs), commonly referred to as Black Boxes, are part of a vehicle’s airbag control module or powertrain control module. EDRs can be configured to record a variety of data when a vehicle is involved in a crash event. The data sets range from pre-impact speed and brake use, to airbag and restraint system

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Dr. Kenneth J.
Dr. Kenneth J. Manges, ABVE, CVE, CFP

Psychologist & Vocational Specialist

Dr. Kenneth J. Manges & Associates, Inc.

Todd Stefan

Executive Vice President

Setec Investigations

David Brinton

President, Technique Sports Inc.

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