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8/30/2017· Warnings & Labels

Close The Revolving Door

By: Dr. Gerald M. Goldhaber

Regulatory agencies (e.g., FDA, OSHA, CPSC, NHTSA, etc.) exist to serve and protect the public from bad actors in the corporate or industrial world whose decisions and actions may lead to products or services that could potentially harm or kill workers and consumers. It would seem obvious, therefore, that the leaders of these agencies would be strong, neutral and objective regulators without close ties to the very industries they must regulate. Under such a model, the best interests of the public could be served without concern for the profits of the regulated industries. Unfortunately, as anyone who reads any newspaper knows too well, that model has never been true. In fact, since the creation of virtually every regulatory agency, the leadership of these agencies have either come from or exited to the very industries they were to regulate.


3/21/2018· Automotive - Vehicular

A Paradigm Shift in Motorcoach Accessibility, Part 1: The MCI D45 CRT LE Commuter Coach

By: Ned Einstein

As an urban planner by background, there are certain clichés I have grown to loath. Among my least favorite is the phrase 'paradigm shift.' This is because few things in the transportation field ever comprise a paradigm shift. Among the true exceptions were the 45-foot-long coach, the proliferation of double-deckers, Megabus pricing, and the advances in super-clean diesel engines. Autonomous coaches seem decades away (even while exploding on the scene in Europe). Otherwise, nothing else close to a paradigm shift in this traditional industry comes to mind.


6/13/2014· Transportation

Schoolbuses, Transit and Crossing Orientation

By: Ned Einstein

In rural areas, children spaced far apart were once transported to school by horse and wagon. After the first day of school, the horses learned the routes and simply repeated them day after day, eliminating the need for drivers. The vehicles were cheap, and the engines ran effectively on oats. As our nation changed, pupil transportation's development reflected our increasing urbanization and, later, suburbanization. These developments included a new phenomenon known as traffic. As a safety matter, the need for pupil transportation grew to reflect a child's inability to cross streets or negotiate intersections, as verified by studies like the 1968 Swedish study "Children in Traffic." In simple terms, children below age 13, and particularly below age 10, do not possess the physical, mental and emotional skills necessary to cross streets and intersections.


1/3/2020· Nonprofit Organizations

How Do You Know Which is the BEST Charity to Donate to?

By: Jess Birken, Esq

Lately I've been noticing a lot of chatter on the internet about how you know which charities to donate to. There seems to be a general suspicion that nonprofits of all sizes who are seeking donations are swindling people out of their hard-earned money. Or at least that you can't trust these organizations and that it's easy to make the wrong decision.


12/31/2014· Dental - Dentistry

Oral Cancer in the Dental Patient

By: Dr. Lee (Mac) Whitesides

Oral cancer is the sixth most common malignancy diagnosed in the United States. It represents 3 to 5% of all cancers in America. This translates in over 43,000 new cases of oral cancers yearly (1996 figures). In 1996 in the U.S., there were 8,260 deaths directly attributed to oral cancer. In the state of Georgia, 680 new cases of oral cancer were diagnosed, and 190 deaths occurred from oral cancer in 1996.


2/15/2011· Psychiatry

Testifying in Contested Custody Litigation

By: Anasseril E. Daniel

Testifying in court or at deposition is a challenging and at times, disconcerting experience even for the seasoned expert.


6/20/2018· Finance

Financial Scams Part of a Wide Array of Elder Abuse Problems in the United States

By: Marguerita Cheng

With the aging of the U.S. population, financial exploitation and abuse of seniors is a serious and growing problem. According to the FBI, scammers tend to target the aging population because they are more likely to have excellent credit and substantial savings.


7/10/2015· Insurance

An Unregulated Workers Compensation Insurance Market Poses Problems

By: Edward Priz, CPCU, APA

Recently, a former Director of the Illinois Department of Insurance wrote an Op-Ed piece, decrying recently proposed legislation that would require insurers to file changes in Workers Compensation insurance rates with regulators before using those rates with insurers. The proposed legislation would also allow the Department of Insurance to disapprove rates if it was determined they were excessive.


12/30/2013· Transportation

Awakening From Denial: Acknowledging the Crisis of Sleep Apnea

By: Ned Einstein

For decades, multiple sources cited the commonly-accepted statistic that only an estimated four percent of all individuals possessed a medical condition known as Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA). OSA is largely the result of certain physical characteristics and lifestyle habits that reduce the flow of oxygen into one's lungs while asleep. These characteristics result in lowered blood oxygen levels throughout one's normal night's sleep, and lower the quality of that sleep such that the individual is fatigued through much of the day.


1/14/2016· Nursing

Wound Care: Safety Report Could Have Mitigated Injury

By: Dr. Patricia J. Bartzak

Electronic documents provided by Attorney Sample were reviewed to develop a nursing expert opinion. The documents reviewed included the Operating Room Report, Post-Anesthesia Care Unit records, Neurology Notes, Medical Progress Reports, Nursing Notes and Care Plans, Respiratory Flowsheets, Laboratory Results, Vital Sign and Infusion Flow Sheets and Written Orders.

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