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9/26/2012· Medical - Medicine

Impeaching the Spine Injury Medical Expert

By: Dr. Ernest Chiodo

It is a common error that an attorney retains the wrong type of expert to testify in a lawsuit. This error is particularly common when the expert is a medical specialist. It is widely believed that a medical doctor who specializes in a particular organ system is qualified to formulate opinions and testify as to all issues concerning that organ system.


9/13/2011· Law Enforcement

Taser Mentality

By: Dr. Ron Martinelli

An officer responding to a report of a domestic argument between husband and wife observes the husband walking down the street.


10/22/2008· Electrical - Electrocution

Increased Risk of Electric Service Interruption Associated with Tree Branches Overhanging Conductors

By: Siegfried Guggenmoos

Abstract — Severe weather events such as ice and tropical storms routinely cause extensive damage to electrical distribution systems. Much of the damage and service loss can be attributed to trees. Events where service restoration spans days or weeks are generally closely examined through regulator directed hearings. Even when no specific actions are subsequently


12/2/2010· Arms - Guns - Weapons

Missile Defense In The News - The "Pearls" of Pearl Harbor

By: Riki Ellison

The United States Navy is the strongest proponent for the global missile defense mission amongst the branches of the U.S. military. Out of the Navy's core missions only the attack air strike and strategic nuclear capability does not involve missile defense.


12/10/2014· Elevators - Escalator - Automatic Doors

Door Injuries & "The Eggshell Plaintiff"

By: Michael Panish

Every good attorney needs to consider the validity of every potential claim. As the most frequently retained door expert witness, working for both Plaintiff and Defense evenly, I have been retained on door injury and wrongful death claims that were not caused by malfunctioning doors or door hardware. As discovery has often shown, people in poor physical or mental condition who are left unattended or unassisted while moving through properly functioning doorways are often the genesis of their own injuries. All commercial venues have the responsibility to maintain their facilities to industry wide standards, seek proper routine maintenance, and provide daily inspections of their door systems. However, it is difficult to provide safe passage to every patron of their facilities when some of those patrons may include persons requiring diligent physical supervision, special assistance walking, or have special needs due to disease, mental incapacity, or other unknown infirmities.


3/24/2009· Security

Life Rage – Is the World Going Mad?

By: Timothy A. Dimoff

School shootings - church shootings - road rage – bullying - workplace rage. We are so angry! It seems as if there are no boundaries anymore. Have we completely forgotten how to deal with life’s setbacks in a civilized manner? Have we become a world full of life’s rages


1/12/2022· Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)

Nevada Irrigation District Replaces Aging ERP System With Technology Providing Robust Reporting Capabilities

By: Panorama Consulting Group

The district contracted Panorama to help in the replacement of its existing systems with a proven, commercial-off-the-shelf ERP system. The client undertook this initiative to replace aging systems, gain efficiencies and update existing processes. Another goal was to improve the timeliness, accuracy, safeguarding and consistency of information


3/5/2015· Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)

The Pros and Cons of Arbitration

By: Darryl Horowitt

Because of the increase in cost of litigation, and the more frequent use of arbitration clauses in all forms of contracts, arbitration is used with increasing frequency. Although arbitration is an excellent choice in many instances, it may not be right in every case. This article will discuss the pros and cons of arbitration so that you may know whether it is right for you.


7/18/2013· Aquatics Safety

The Heimlich Controversy in Near-Drowning Resuscitation

By: Gerald Dworkin

As a result of renewed electronic and print media exposure, the Heimlich Controversy has once more reared its head creating a confusing message for lifeguard and other rescue personnel regarding the resuscitation procedures to be used when confronted with a near-drowning resuscitation incident.


5/27/2014· Dental - Dentistry

Dental Malpractice: Nerve Injuries

By: Dr. Lee (Mac) Whitesides

Injuries to the inferior alveolar and lingual nerve continued to be a significant source of litigation for the dental professional. Approximately 10% of cases of dental malpractice are a result of nerve injury. Perhaps the genesis of the high number of lawsuits proportional to the overall number of surgeries lies in the sequelae of a nerve injury. The sequelae can range from relatively minor annoying numbness to intractable pain and the anesthesia to the area of the nerve supply.

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