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2/27/2014· Accident Prevention & Safety

Rescue From Submerged Vehicles

By: Gerald Dworkin

Based on a 1961 study at Williamston, MI, conducted by the Michigan State Police, the Indiana University Health and Safety Department, the Michigan Highway Department, and the American Red Cross, it was estimated that approximately 400 persons lose their lives as a result of being trapped in automobiles that have plunged into the water.


7/11/2017· Securities

Expert's Corner: Selling Away - Broker-Dealer Liability for Selling Away Transactions and the Responsibility of Supervisory Personnel

By: Bob Lawson

In the securities brokerage industry, "selling-away" refers to the prohibited practice of an Associated Person effecting or soliciting the sale of securities or investment products not held or approved with whom the broker is affiliated without prior written consent. FINRA regulators have seen a steady flow of selling-away cases over the years involving registered representatives who are being targeted by issuers, promoters and marketing agents to sell their nontraditional investment products to their retail customers. In many instances, promoters of these products are marketing them as non-securities products that do not have to be sold through a broker-dealer by a registered person. In a significant number of cases, associated persons have sold these investments to their customers away from the broker-dealer and without firm approval as required by FINRA Rule 3270. Selling-away often occurs in an independent branch or a satellite office, where Associated Persons are removed from the day-to-day oversight and supervision of their brokerage firm's compliance department.


8/7/2009· Market Research

Survey Research to Support Litigation

By: Dr. Larry Chiagouris

Survey research is used to provide greater levels of understanding in a wide variety of disputes. Issues such as consumer confusion, misleading advertising claims, disparagement, copyright infringement and trademark disputes can be better assessed as a result of developing and executing survey research. The purpose of this monograph is to aid attorneys in understanding what research standards and guidelines might be relied upon in their use of survey research.


3/20/2013· Aquatics Safety

Spinal Imobilization In Deep Water

By: Gerald Dworkin

For the past three issues, jems has presented a thorough review of spinal immobilization devices that are used in traditional rescue situations.


8/11/2022· Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)

Consumer Services Company Replaces Custom Software With Modern ERP System

By: Panorama Consulting Group

This consumer services company in Denver was using custom software developed in an AS/400 environment. Many of its core business processes were either manual or paper-based, and the company was struggling with the issue of sole dependency on a single employee who understood the legacy systems.


2/26/2013· Transportation

Buses and Motorcoaches: Alcohol and Public Policy

By: Ned Einstein

Alcohol and bus ridership present a curious enigma. As a matter of public policy, we allow intoxication. As a matter of free market dynamics, we encourage it. And rightfully so, we want to protect those intoxicated from hurting themselves and others.


8/16/2018· Transportation

Safety Compromises, Part 8: Boarding and Alighting

By: Ned Einstein

Given the mass of a bus or motorcoach, the carnage a moving bus or coach can inflict on a pedestrian is not surprising. Yet readers may be surprised by the carnage such a vehicle can cause when it is not moving - or just beginning to move or come to a stop.


5/3/2012· Appraisal & Valuation

What is an Aircraft Appraisal?

By: James Polk

To the Buyer: the appraisal is an impartial professional opinion as to the value of the particular aircraft they are planning to purchase. Further, the appraisal can assist in expediting the sale of the aircraft because the buyer and seller know the fair market value and relative condition of the aircraft through the independent appraisal.


12/25/2006· Expert Witnessing

Guidelines to Selecting a Security Negligence, Premises Liability Expert

By: Joseph A. LaSorsa, CPP

Searches for quality "Security Experts" are conducted on a daily basis by attorneys, V.I.P.’s and corporate executives. Most experts list themselves with referral agencies or expert database web sites. The experts usually list their experience, background and credentials and some of the sites require a fee to be paid by the experts


10/11/2017· Accounting

Determining a Distressed Debtor Company Discount Rate, Part 1

By: Michael D. Pakter

This is Part 1 of a two-part article. This part discusses valuations of distressed debtor companies based on discounted cash flows and considers the impact of the date and stage of distress. Next month, Part 2 will describe how the financial analyst derives the cost of capital for a distressed debtor company.

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