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4/5/2009· Marketing

Tried & True: Heinz turns iconic authenticity into fresh relevance.

By: Rob Wallace

The value of being the genuine original cannot be overstated. Behaviorists like Malcolm Gladwell and Barry Schwartz recognize that in a sea of newness, we consumers find comfort in brands that are consistent, honest and real. We immediately recognize their familiar identities


9/13/2016· Accounting

Royalty Audits - Compliance With AICPA Standards

By: Sidney Blum

Royalty auditing is a niche service that has exploded in popularity over the last 20 years. The primary purpose of a royalty audit is to test whether a licensee has complied with a license agreement or statutory requirement. The royalty auditor is hired by an intellectual property owner (aka, licensor) or minerals owner to inspect the books and records of a licensee primarily to determine if usage-based monetary amounts have been paid as contractually required. In addition to monetary damage calculations, most royalty audits examine for breach of contract in a wide variety of areas, such as intellectual property protection, record keeping, distribution channels, and permitted usage.


4/1/2011· Failure Analysis

Failure Analysis of a "Exploding" Beer Bottle: Product Defect, Product Liability

By: Dr. Thomas Read

A glass failure expert witness performs a root cause failure analysis on an exploding beer bottle. The object of this root cause failure analysis is to determine the cause of the bottle failure.


3/12/2003· Nursing

Using A Legal Nurse Consultant

By: Nicki Minlschmidt

Plenty! Like the experienced paralegals and legal secretaries successful attorneys rely on to allow them to focus their own efforts where the effect will be the greatest, Legal Nurse Consultants (LNCs) are another powerful weapon in the attorney's arsenal


8/19/2003· Professional Skills

The Correct Way To Present Exhibits

By: Constance Bernstein

The law loves the word, but people love pictures. Integrating words and pictures in your presentations is key to a litigator's success - whether addressing the judge, jurors, arbitrators or mediators


11/3/2011· Law Enforcement

"The Art of Force" - Pre-Contact Threat Assessment

By: Dr. Ron Martinelli

San Francisco Police officers respond to a call of an agitated mentally disturbed and disabled man in a wheelchair wielding a knife and vandalizing parked cars on a downtown city street. A group of at least six uniformed and plain clothes officers locate and surround the man who remains seated in his wheelchair. The officers' initial attempts to communicate with the angry, apparently delusional and armed man prove ineffective.


10/15/2004· Crisis Management

Dealers, Healers, Brutes And Saviors: Eight Winning Styles For Solving Giant Business Problems

By: Gerald C. Meyers

Strong, well-organized labor can quickly cripple a miscalculating company.Any company bent on progress with a minimum of labor interference must keep its workforce watered and well-fed, and keep labor relations in apple-pie order


4/25/2004· Expert Witnessing

Timing is Important In Selecting An Expert Witness

By: Peter H. Burgher

A prominant southeastern Michigan law firm specializing in certain types of litigation recently asked me if I was able to serve as an expert regarding measurement of damages in an employee discharge case


2/11/2022· Healthcare Facilities - Hospitals

Determining Usual, Customary, And Reasonable Charges For Healthcare Services

By: Research and Planning Consultants

This paper identifies and discusses industry standards for what charge percentile threshold state laws and private health plans consider reasonable to determine allowable amounts for payment. The term &"allowable amount"; refers to the total amount a regulation or private health plan determines a provider should be paid. It is the sum of the payment responsibilities of the plan and the patient.


12/2/2005· Feng Shui

Prediction For The Year Of The Wood Rooster 4703

By: Angi Ma Wong - The FengShui Lady

After the unpredictable Year of the Monkey with its horrendous surprise ending with the Asian earthquake and tsunami, most of us are ready for the new year of the Rooster which begins on February 9, 2005. The element of wood remains above that of metal during this year, portending a continuation of disharmonious relations on the international front but with hope

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