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3/11/2024· Foot / Ankle Surgery

The Use of Arthroscopy In Acute Foot And Ankle Trauma: A Review

By: John M. Schuberth, DPM

The use of arthroscopy in the management of acute traumatic conditions of the foot and ankle has increased in recent years, primarily because of an appreciation of fracture morphology and the utility of reducing the surgical footprint. This article presents an overview of the use of this modality in foot and ankle trauma and presents an anatomical survey of the various fractures where arthroscopic assistance can be of benefit.


4/5/2024· Failure Analysis

Defending Assets: A Legal Perspective On Corrosion Prevention

By: Jose Villalobos, PE

Corrosion poses a significant threat to various industries, and its impact on assets cannot be underestimated. As an engineer, you might wonder how this topic can be of interest to an attorney. Well, attorneys play a crucial role in protecting their clients' interests, and corrosion prevention aligns seamlessly with legal strategies aimed at safeguarding assets. In this article, we will explore the legal implications of corrosion and the role attorneys can play in mitigating its risks.


12/25/2006· Expert Witnessing

Guidelines to Selecting a Security Negligence, Premises Liability Expert

By: Joseph A. LaSorsa, CPP

Searches for quality "Security Experts" are conducted on a daily basis by attorneys, V.I.P.’s and corporate executives. Most experts list themselves with referral agencies or expert database web sites. The experts usually list their experience, background and credentials and some of the sites require a fee to be paid by the experts


9/5/2010· Damages

A Quick Overview of Commercial-Damages Economics

By: Jules H. Kamin, PhD

Commercial damages occur in breach-of-contract and business-tort cases that result in claims of lost profits or diminished business goodwill or business value. Intellectual-property-infringement cases and antitrust cases also can involve such loss claims. The measurement of damages in these types of cases follows a basic methodology, with some variations in intellectual-property matters. Measurement of damages in securities-fraud cases uses a different approach.


6/24/2014· Expert Witnessing

How a Medical Device Expert Witness Can Assist In a Case

By: Karl R. Leinsing

Experienced Medical Device Experts can assist with a case in many different ways. First, they have industry knowledge of the medical device industry and can assist with prior art in patent litigation cases for example. They understand the technology and how claim terms are understood for one skilled in the art of medical device design, testing, and manufacturing. This firsthand information can then assist with proper claim construction and infringement analysis. Experience with medical devices product development can also assist in determining what is obvious in the field and what is not as it pertains to patent validation.


8/17/2023· Documentation Examination & Analysis

The Care And Preservation Of Documents

By: Katherine Koppenhaver, CDQE

Documents are fragile and require special handling. Not only must documents be kept in their original condition, but a chain of custody must be maintained to ensure the integrity of the documents. If everyone takes the necessary precautions to ensure the integrity of the documents, evidence will be properly preserved for court proceedings.


8/2/2019· Sexual Abuse - Molestation - Harassment

A Case Study: On Sports Liability Waivers And Sexual Abuse In Youth-Serving Organizations

By: Katherine Starr

Is Sexual Abuse in Youth-Serving Organizations Covered under a Liability Waiver? This argument was presented by the defense in a recent case. Let's review and see if this is a plausible argument in youth-serving activities.


2/18/2016· Documentation Examination & Analysis

Is Document Examination a Science?

By: Kathy Carlson

Forensic Scientists differ when defining document examination. Is it a science? If so, which science? What is our scientific analysis? Or, as some people believe, is document examination an art?


9/4/2022· Telecommunication

Long Live The Revolution In 5G: With SA, 5G-A5dvanced, 6G, Virtualizatio4n, O-RAN And Competition Among Industry Standard Computer Hardware Platforms

By: Keith Malinson

Change will be huge but gradual over the next decade. With 5G yet to make its mark beyond eMBB, a second wave of growth including widespread implementation of IoT using 5G SA, and with mMTC and eURLLC including enterprise deployments, will have major impact commencing around 2025.


6/14/2018· Telecommunication

Unreasonably-low Royalties in Top-down FRAND-rate Determinations for TCL v. Ericsson

By: Keith Mallinson

While Ericsson is a leading contributor to mobile communications standards, a US District Court in California has significantly undervalued Ericsson's standard-essential patents (SEPs) by relying heavily on flawed "top-down" valuation analysis that prorates royalties by company for 2G, 3G and 4G based on SEP counting. This analysis applies a series of inaccurate assumptions which whittle down royalty rates from an understated notional maximum in a succession of unreliable steps. The resulting rates derived are a lot lower than those found in a European court's FRAND determination for the same company in the same year (2017) and for the same 2G, 3G, and 4G patent portfolios. The differences between these US and European determinations are irreconcilable.

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