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4/21/2021· Aerosols - Aerosol Products

Aerosol Laboratory Safety – Eliminate Potential Ignition Sources

By: John Chadwick

While the attention to safety issues has dramatically improved over time, I am still amazed how often the simplest safety precautions are sometimes overlooked when filling aerosols sample with flammable propellants. I’ll save my horror stories for another article, except for one particularly relevant example.


9/21/2004· Machinery

The Value of Lubricants and Lubrication Knowledge and Skills

By: John H. Marino

For me it is fascinating that in this highly competitive global marketplace, so many American companies lack the lubricants and lubrication knowledge or skills needed to protect, let alone achieve, the greatest return on their production machinery


10/15/2003· Machinery

What is most misunderstood and costly to your operation? Lubricants and Lubrication!

By: John H. Marino

Do you know that your equipment produces a profit on a thin film called lubricant? The most important but yet the most mismanaged in 99% of all companies is lubricants and/or lubrication. That’s why, it has been reported, that 60% to 70% of all mechanical failures are due to inadequate lubricants and lubrication practices


12/2/2005· Machinery

Benchmarking Lubrication Programs

By: John H. Marino

Lubrication Institute provides many different types of courses for personnel, the following is a general outline of what we would present in our introductory benchmarking course


8/2/2012· Plants & Trees

Tree Removal Liability Sharing

By: John Harris

The number of storms in recent years increases the need for better tree and landscape decisions for property owners. Research regarding landscape damages for different storm intensities, what plants get knocked down by winds more often, and priorities for landscape restoration have been intensified by many southern state universities' forestry and horticultural departments.


5/8/2012· Appraisal & Valuation

Tree and Landscape Values are Still Divergent in Practice

By: John Harris

Trees and landscapes have been valued since humans were given gardens for food and enjoyment. Once people determined how to harvest seeds, how to plant gardens and landscapes, and how to relocate trees and plants, then decisions about what to use and what not to use began to set values for plants. It is this author's opinion that these practices logically date back to the beginning of history.


3/7/2012· Plants & Trees

Tree and Landscape Appraisal: Jurisdiction Determines the Appraisal or Valuation Method

By: John Harris

The value of a tree can only be determined if we agree. Any value given, whether by a layperson or a professional, is real when another person involved in the process agrees to that value. The value used in the final decision can also be a different value from the one determined by the experts who worked on it (especially when the experts worked on different sides of a valuation case).


1/10/2019· Engineering

Applications of SolidWorks Flow Simulation Computational Fluid Dynamics Software to the Investigation of Fires

By: John Holecek

NFPA 921 advises the use of a systematic approach to fire investigation that is best embodied by the scientific method. The scientific method includes the steps of collecting data, analyzing that data, developing a hypothesis, and then testing that hypothesis. The final step of this process, testing the hypothesis, can be done either physically or analytically. In some cases, a physical test may be conducted to confirm or falsify some aspect of the hypothesis. However, in many cases creating a physical test may be difficult or even practically impossible. It is these cases, and others, where analytic testing using computer simulations may be helpful to the fire investigator.


12/1/2011· Engineering

Engineering: Your Internet Image Could Be Sabotaging Your Career

By: John Hoschette

With the wealth of knowledge available at the click of a mouse, the Internet is a wonderful tool that can really help accelerate your career. But have you ever stopped to consider what information about you might be available to others on the Internet?


10/31/2011· Engineering

Engineering: Asking For a Raise is Easier Than You Think, Even In Bad Times

By: John Hoschette

Do you feel underpaid and deserving of a higher salary? Are you thinking about asking for a raise, but unsure how to go about it? Do you cringe at the thought of approaching your boss?

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