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11/2/2018· Accident Prevention & Safety

Hydrogen Sulfide Awareness: Avoiding the Ostrich Zone

By: Greg Gerganoff

Hazard recognition plays a vital role in keeping employees safe. Some hazards are easily recognized, for example an employee climbing up a 20-ft ladder while holding tools in both hands is an obvious fall hazard. While some safety hazards are immediately recognizable, others require training to spot and avoid. One such hazard is hydrogen sulfide (H2S). Training is a key method to avoid the "ostrich zone." You do not want to bury your head when facing this hazard.


4/11/2016· OSHA

"Ignorance of Safety, or No Ostrich Zone."

By: Greg Gerganoff

In the safety world hazard recognition plays a vital role in keeping your people safe from unsafe behaviors and/or conditions. Some hazards are easily recognized, for example an employee climbing up a 20 foot ladder with tools held in both hands. (This is a fall hazard by the way.) Common sense right? The safety guy who taught me safety had a great response to this attitude, "Few people have any sense (read knowledge) in common (read shared alike)". So while some safety hazards are immediately recognizable others require training to spot and avoid. Training is a key method in avoiding the "Ostrich Zone". One such hazard is Hydrogen Sulfide. You don't want to bury your head facing this hazard. (Won't do much good anyway, Hydrogen Sulfide is heavier then air!)


3/7/2016· OSHA

Unintended Consequences-Safety

By: Greg Gerganoff

"If you don't know where you are going, you will probably end up somewhere else.", so said Laurence J. Peter, a professor at the University of Southern California whose works touched the business world. (He is well known for the "Peter Principal".) Peter's above quote essentially points out that action lacking a clear objective will likely lead to unwanted or unintended consequences.


10/17/2017· Expert Witnessing

Do Your Expert Witness Reports and Testimony Comply with 2015 Amendments to CRCP (Colorado Code of Civil Procedure)?

By: Greg Gerganoff

The employ of expert witnesses in litigation is typically undertaken to help the decider of fact (judge or jury) decipher an area of specialized knowledge which is key to the case. The expert report serves the primary purpose of "educating" deciders of fact on topics not commonly known to the general public. However, a noncomplying expert report can wreak havoc on a case, increase costs or worse, have the expert's testimony precluded in whole or part from use at trial. This of course is contrary to the purpose of retaining an expert in the first place. Understanding the parameters of compliance (C.R.C.P. 26 (a) (2) (B) (I)) and how sanctions for non-compliance (C.R.C.P. 37 (c) (1)) may be applied is important not only for legal counsel but the expert as well under the 2015 rule updates and the recent Colorado Supreme Court case, Catholic Health Initiatives Colorado v. Earl Swensson Associates, Inc.


8/28/2017· Insurance

The Expert Dilemma

By: Guy C. Hatfield

I have been active as an insurance agent/broker for 40 years. 20 years ago I was referred to an attorney by a fellow CPCU colleague to be a so called "expert". The case involved an agent who failed to provide workers compensation benefits to an ongoing commercial concern. I was hired by the plaintiff's attorney to opine on the conduct of the agent. Since this was a fundamental error on the part of the agent, the case was soon settled in favor of the plaintiff. This was my introduction to being an expert. I found I enjoyed the experience and it was a nice contrast to sales and insurance administration.


5/29/2003· Expert Witnessing

Avoiding Ipse Dixit Mislabeling: Post-Daubert Approaches To Expert Clinical Opinions

By: Harold Bursztajn, MD and Thomas G. Gutheil, MD

Recent Supreme Court decisions emphasize the need to regulate the admissibility of expert testimony by means of standards that require opinions going beyond ipse dixit; that is, that are based on more than the fact that the expert "said it him/herself


3/3/2011· Toxicology

Possible Contribution Of Indomethacin To The Carcinogenicity Of Nongenotoxic Bladder Carcinogens That Cause Bladder Calculi

By: Harry Milman

Nongenotoxic bladder carcinogens that form bladder calculi have been concluded to be of low carcinogenic risk to humans because bladder stones would be expelled or surgically removed before they had a chance to exert their carcinogenic effect.


2/18/2005· Finance

Aristocracizing America

By: Herbert B. Siegel, PhD

Beginning with The Bank Holding Act of 1956 that exempted Industrial Loan Companies from federal banking regulations except for keeping them eligible for government- sponsored FDIC insurance, these secondary lenders were a valuable source of high interest loans to a public segment otherwise unbankable. A financial stranglehold has proliferated on all citizens, however, because of misusing an otherwise well conceived statute


7/8/2007· Marketing

Ten Tips for Search Engine Optimization Copywriting

By: Howard Irizarry

Keep your target audience in mind AT ALL TIMES and write your content for their wants and needs. Make sure to give them the information on who, what, where, when, why and how


7/14/2011· Energy - Utilities

Electric Transmission - What Happens with a Lack of Long-Range T&D Infrastructure Planning?

By: Howard Lee Willis

A joke long popular among disaffected employees and humorists in the power industry asks, "What is the difference between an electric utility and a group of Boy Scouts in the woods?"

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