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10/28/2014· Aquatics Safety

Aquatics Safety: In the Rhythm of Saving Lives

By: Gerald Dworkin

On July 13, 2004, a 55-year-old man collapsed in the Medina (Ohio) Aquatic and Fitness Center. The aquatic manager for the city, Darlene Donkin, responded and assessed him to be in cardiac arrest. Although Donkin was a CPR instructor and taught more than 100 classes on the subject, she had never actually performed it in a life-and-death situation prior to this incident.


12/5/2014· Emergency Medical Services (EMS)

NFPA 1670 Standard for Technical Rescue

By: Gerald Dworkin

In February 2004, the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) published NFPA 1670: Standard on Operations and Training for Technical Search and Rescue Incidents. The purpose of this standard is to minimize threats to rescuers while conducting operations at technical SAR incidents, and the standard deals specifically with identifying and establishing levels of functional capability for conducting technical rescue operations safely and effectively. Although these standards were designed for all types of Technical Rescue operations, they also address water and ice rescue operations.


12/19/2013· Aquatics Safety

Meeting the Standard of Care for Spinal Injuries

By: Gerald Dworkin

Properly recognizing and managing suspected spinal injuries caused by head-first entries into the water require high levels of training. Lifeguards and other water rescue personnel must be able to evaluate the signs and symptoms associated with spinal trauma and the manner in which an injury occurs. The rescuer should assume that a spinal injury exists if the forces causing the trauma were sufficient to damage the spine.


3/20/2013· Aquatics Safety

Spinal Imobilization In Deep Water

By: Gerald Dworkin

For the past three issues, jems has presented a thorough review of spinal immobilization devices that are used in traditional rescue situations.


4/23/2013· Aquatics Safety

Mouth-To-Mask Rescue Breathing and Comparisons of Personal Resuscitation Masks

By: Gerald Dworkin

Because of the major health concerns today, there is a major reluctance among emergency service personnel to perform direct mouth-to-mouth rescue breathing on an unknown victim.


10/7/2011· Aquatics Safety

Risk Management: Standard for Technical Rescue

By: Gerald Dworkin

The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) establishes standards for the Fire and Rescue industry.


9/25/2009· Aquatics Safety

Preparing for Swiftwater Rescue Incidents

By: Gerald Dworkin

In February 2004, the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) published NFPA 1670: Standard on Operations and Training for Technical Search and Rescue (SAR) Incidents. The purpose of this standard was to minimize threats to rescuers while conducting operations at technical SAR incidents.


9/24/2009· Aquatics Safety

Escape and Rescue from Submerged Vehicles

By: Gerald Dworkin

Each year, there are approximately 1,500 incidents and 600 deaths occur involving vehicles that have gone off the road and plummeted into the water. Therefore, the public needs to plan for these types of emergencies by (A) rehearsing the steps necessary for a successful self-rescue from a vehicle in the water, and (B) having the rescue/escape tools readily available for use during this type of emergency situation.


4/29/2013· Warnings & Labels

Warning: Mayor Bloomberg's Food Policies For New York City May Be Beneficial To Your Health

By: Gerald M. Goldhaber, PhD

Mayor Michael Bloomberg of New York City this month has proposed a ban on restaurants, theatres and food carts regulated by the City selling soft drinks in excess of 16 ounces.


9/5/2012· Warnings & Labels

Warning: Automobile Connectivity May Lead To Early Grave

By: Gerald M. Goldhaber, PhD

My former business partner, Marshall McLuhan was fond of telling me that North Americans go out of their homes to be quiet (compared with Europeans who go out to be social).

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