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4/10/2012· Food & Beverage

The Ability to Self-Affirm the Safety of Novel Food and Dietary Supplement Ingredients And Market Them on Your Own Recognizance

By: Dr. Sanford Bigelow

How do you know if your novel ingredient is safe before you commercialize it in your food or dietary supplement product? There exists a process to self-affirm safety without having to wait 6 months for an FDA acknowledgement or wait 6 years for an FDA food additive approval.


8/27/2018· Sexual Abuse - Molestation - Harassment

Date Rape – a Medicine Cabinet of Assault

By: Dr. Sanjay Adhia

Drug-Facilitated Sexual Assault (DFSA) is the use of drugs and/or alcohol by a sexual predator to render a victim incapacitated and unable to fight back against a sexual assault. A side effect of many "Date Rape" or "Club Drugs" is also anterograde amnesia, the inability to recall what happened while drugged, increasing a predator's belief he will "get away with it." Those odds are shifting, but attorneys, Courts and potential victims are better served if they understand some of the drugs used and their impact on mind and body.


11/14/2021· Forensic Psychiatry

Understanding Dementia and Medical-Legal Implications

By: Dr. Sanjay Adhia

Dementia encompasses degenerative disorders to the brain. It can be subtle and fluctuate in severity even from day to day. It can accompany genetic factors, or be associated with an injury or repeated injuries to the brain and head. It is serious and marked by symptoms that can impair making informed decisions or manage the most basic tasks we take for granted in living our daily lives.


11/3/2004· Medicine


By: Dr. Sat Sharma and Nicholas Anthonisen

After 60 years of availability of antibiotics, surprisingly little is known about their role in obstructive airway diseases. Areview of antibiotic therapy will necessarily involve a discussion of the role of bacterial infection in asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease


8/20/2008· Medical - Medicine

Non-invasive Ventilation

By: Dr. Sat Sharma, MD, FRCPC, FCCP, FACP

Non-invasive ventilation (NIV) is the delivery of ventilatory support without the need for an invasive artificial airway. Mechanical ventilation via intubation is associated with many complications, including upper airway trauma, arrhythmia, hypotension, aspiration of gastric contents, sinusitis, pneumonia, and patients’ loss of ability to eat and communicate verbally


5/6/2011· Economics

Why Juries Can Be Trusted

By: Dr. Stan V. Smith

Setting aside the one case in 100,000 that makes headlines, are juries generally capricious and liberal? Are verdicts frequently unreasonable?


10/25/2012· Damages

Determining the Value of Household Production as a Component of Economic Damages

By: Dr. Stanley Stephenson

The forensic financial expert may be familiar with assessing lost profits, earnings capacity, or even valuing a business, but what is the expert to do about damages arising from lost ability to engage in non-market work? In a personal injury, wronful death or similar tort cases, physical limitations may restrict market and non-market work the latter forming the basis for an additional source of damages.


4/17/2013· Damages

Computing Lost Profits in Business Interruption Litigation: A General Model

By: Dr. Stanley Stephenson

This paper focuses on business interruption litigation and how to compute lost profits as a remedy. The main contribution of the paper is development of a general model of economic damages which assesses lost profits by measuring the incremental changes in revenue, variable costs, and fixed costs.


3/15/2013· Damages

Proving Damages in Trademark Cases

By: Dr. Stanley Stephenson

Proving damages in trademark litigation-typically lost profits or disgorgement of the defendant's profits-generally involves citing the infringer's sales of the infringing product.


11/26/2012· Damages

Lost Profits Damages to New Businesses: Adjusting for Survival

By: Dr. Stanley Stephenson

Survival risk of new businesses is a challenging issue to incorporate into lost profits analyses used in litigation, an issue some financial experts and courts ignore rather than consider explicitly. This paper considers several ways to make qualitative and quantitative adjustments for the survival rates of new businesses.

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