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9/10/2008· Medical - Medicine

Blood Flow in the Lung

By: Dr. Richard Collins

The lung constitutes a highly complex and selfregulating system for oxygenating man’s blood and removing its waste materials. It is at the alveolar level that the respiratory and circulatory functions interact and the important exchange processes occur


9/10/2008· Medical - Medicine

Nonlinear Wave Propagation in Viscoelastic Tubes: Application to Aortic Rupture

By: Dr. Richard Collins

Blunt impact to the thorax often results in traumatic rupture of the aorta, leading to immediate exsanguination. Current interest in the mechanisms of this failure is great (Roberts and Beckman, 1970), particularly with regard to vehicular fatilities in which passengers are subjected to high levels of deceleration


9/29/2015· Medical - Medicine

Spinal Manipulation and Stroke: The Legal and Medical Material Risks

By: Dr. Robert Bailey

As part of their educational process, practitioners of manipulative procedures are made aware of the possible association between neck manipulation and cerebrovascular accidents[i] (CVAs) as well as what to do in the event a CVA occurs during treatment.[ii] For any litigation considered regarding a stroke that closely follows spinal manipulation, the starting point for retained counsel is to ask what else could have caused or contributed to the stroke. Screening issues to consider include the following:


9/30/2014· Medical - Medicine

The Multiple Ways a Medical Oncology and Hematology Expert Witness Can Assist in Issues of Medical Malpractice

By: Dr. Robert Burdick

"Has the standard of care been violated?" is the basic question in all medical malpractice cases, the answer to which may be difficult to determine because the standard of care is often unwritten, can be ever changing, and is a blend of academic and private practice opinions. In addition to having a broad base of experience with both private practice and academic medicine the expert witness must be current with the medical literature, knowledgeable about solid tumors such as cancer of the breast, lung, colon, thyroid, tongue, larynx, head and neck, esophagus, stomach, colon, rectum, anus, skin, melanoma, liver, kidneys, bladder, pancreas, ovary, testicle, hepatoma, and sarcoma, as well as soft tissue malignancies such as non-Hodgkin's and Hodgkin's lymphoma, the acute and chronic leukemia's, multiple myeloma, anemias, leukopenia, thrombocytopenia, and pancytopenia.


2/15/2012· Police Practices & Procedures

Murder or Stress-Induced Hypervigilance? Officer Johannes Mehserle and the Infamous "BART Shooting"

By: Dr. Ron Martinelli

On November 5, 2010, Superior Court Judge Hon. Robert Perry sentenced former BART Police Officer Johannes Mehserle to two years in state prison for the January 1,2009, accidental shooting death of 22-year-old Oscar Grant at the Fruitdale BART station.


4/25/2012· Law Enforcement

Law Enforcement: To Chase Or Not To Chase?

By: Dr. Ron Martinelli

An officer detains an active parolee gang member for questioning, and during the detention, the suspect suddenly runs. The officer chases the suspect for two blocks, observes the suspect to be grabbing into his shorts pocket.


9/13/2011· Law Enforcement

Taser Mentality

By: Dr. Ron Martinelli

An officer responding to a report of a domestic argument between husband and wife observes the husband walking down the street.


11/3/2011· Law Enforcement

"The Art of Force" - Pre-Contact Threat Assessment

By: Dr. Ron Martinelli

San Francisco Police officers respond to a call of an agitated mentally disturbed and disabled man in a wheelchair wielding a knife and vandalizing parked cars on a downtown city street. A group of at least six uniformed and plain clothes officers locate and surround the man who remains seated in his wheelchair. The officers' initial attempts to communicate with the angry, apparently delusional and armed man prove ineffective.


6/9/2017· Police Practices & Procedures

Responses to Psycho-Medical Emergencies

By: Dr. Ron Martinelli

On a hot July day, fire and police are called to the home of a 55 year old man suffering from heat stroke. Police arrive first and find the man sitting on a bench in his front yard. When the officers approach the man and ask him to give them his cane, he becomes agitated and non-compliant. One officer suddenly grabs the cane away from the man, who screams and suddenly stands up. The man is tased, taken to the ground, beaten and handcuffed. He is transported to the hospital where ER physicians confirm a diagnosis of heat stroke. The man has no criminal history. He sustains numerous moderate injuries which keep him from returning to work for several weeks. The officers and agency are sued and settle out of court.


6/26/2017· Police Practices & Procedures

The "21 Foot Rule" - Forensic Fact or Fantasy?

By: Dr. Ron Martinelli

Officers throughout the United States and perhaps internationally have heard use of force instructors discuss the "21 Foot Rule" during their officer safety, firearms and deadly force training. As both a use of force instructor and practicing forensic police practices expert, I have also trained and testified to this concept myself.

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