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12/14/2017· Economics

Why Law Firms Need Internal Controls

By: Michael Garibaldi, CPA, ABV, CFF, CGMA

Most lawyers know how big a problem occupational fraud is in corporate America. They may even count as clients companies that have been defrauded and suffered significant losses. Yet a "not at my firm" attitude persists among many partners who take for granted the honesty and integrity of their colleagues and staff.


12/13/2017· Land Use

Condemnation & Ownership Rights

By: Frank S. Ferrantello

Property owners have rights and protecting those rights was a central part of the Founding Fathers' goals. Nevertheless, there are certain circumstances in which owners can have their property taken from them. The process through which private property is legally dispossessed by the government is known as condemnation. Property owners are entitled to fair compensation and have the opportunity to offer their own valuation information in condemnation proceedings. There are various factors to consider for accurate property valuation: size, zoning, structures, use, accessibility, adjacent properties, leases, etc. An essential part of due diligence is determining precisely what the property comprises.


12/11/2017· Economics

Effective Use of Economists as Expert Witnesses

By: Stanley P. Stephenson

Imagine you are lead counsel on an airline crash case in which more than 200 lives were lost, each involving a wrongful death case. A plaintiff attorney has hired an economist whose report on damages for one person, a Korean leather goods importer, exceeded $200 million. What should you do? Plaintiff’s expert is a Ph.D. from a top university who teaches economics and has many publications.


12/8/2017· Insurance

What You, As a Personal Injury Victim, Should Know

By: Darryl Horowitt

Unfortunately, many of us at one time or another, will be a victim of an automobile accident which was simply not our fault. If you are injured, the law provides that you may be entitled to recover monetary damages for hospital expenses, medical treatment, prescriptions, lost wages, and other damages for pain and suffering. The amount of such damages differs based upon your injuries.


11/20/2017· Finance

Understanding Financial Misstatement: The Least Common Type Of Fraud Can Also Be The Costliest

By: Michael J. Garibaldi CPA, ABV, CFF, CGMA

When a dishonest CFO or controller cooks the books, it can be devastating for the victim organization. In addition to direct financial losses, financial statement frauds erode trust between management and other stakeholders, including lenders, investors and employees who own company stock. Unfortunately, it's common for smaller companies to associate financial misstatement with large public companies that focus heavily on earnings per share.


11/20/2017· Land Mapping - Surveying - Zoning

Protect Your Investment

By: Frank S. Ferrantello

Retention of a professional land surveyor prior to purchasing land, planning, developing or designing improvements is vital to protect the investment. In New York, only a survey made by a licensed land surveyor can define the size and location of property purchases, and most importantly, accurately convey what is really happening on the property, such as easements, situations with adverse possession, or indentifying structures in relation to existing certificates of occupancy.


11/13/2017· Construction

Acceleration Claims on Engineering and Construction Projects

By: Long International

Time is money especially on engineering and construction projects. Because delays in the completion of the project usually result in increased owner, engineer, and contractor costs, the overall time of performance is vital to the financial success of the project. The importance of time is evidenced by the significant role played by CPM schedules, completion dates, and milestones in the bidding and awarding of engineering and construction contracts. The desire to minimize costs and the time of performance often causes the occurrence of acceleration.


11/9/2017· Mediation

The Benefits of Mediation

By: Darryl Horowitt

As litigation becomes more expensive, clients look to more cost-effective means of resolving their disputes. This requires an evaluation of alternative dispute resolution, otherwise known as ADR. Alternative dispute resolution includes non-court alternatives such as negotiations, mediations, arbitrations, mini trials, and early neutral evaluation. Courts have recognized the benefits of ADR in virtually every court in the state. The federal courts have also adopted ADR programs.


11/3/2017· Expert Witnessing

How Independent Is Your Expert?

By: Michael J. Garibaldi CPA, ABV, CFF, CGMA

It may be detrimental to an expert witness's credibility if even the appearance of a lack of independence exists. In today's legal environment, discrediting an expert based on his or her relationship with counsel, the client or the judge is common. Let's examine how to identify an expert's independence.


11/1/2017· Accounting

Determining a Distressed Debtor Company Discount Rate, Part 2

By: Michael D. Pakter

This is Part 2 of a two-part article. The first part (published in the January 2014 issue of Business Valuation Update) discussed valuations of distressed debtor companies based on discounted cash flows and considered the impact of the date and stage of distress. This part describes how the financial analyst derives the cost of capital for a distressed debtor company.

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