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6/21/2022· Psychiatry

The Structural Interview Method For Diagnosing Borderline Disorders: A Critique

By: Dr. James Reich

The authors discuss difficulties in the assumptions that underlie Kernberg's Structural Interview method for diagnosing borderline personality organization and demonstrate methodological limitations in the studies that have reported results from its use.


6/20/2022· Telecommunication

Spectrum Auctions: Okay For Some, But Not For Others (Analyst Angle)

By: Keith Mallinson

A recent op-ed in the Wall Street Journal by Paul Wolfowitz, former U.S. Deputy Secretary of Defense and former President of the World Bank, controversially suggests that auctioning spectrum for 5G is detrimental to the U.S. and helps Huawei. While spectrum allocation is an important issue in industrial and economic policy, high auction fees do not appear to have impaired U.S. development and deployment of 4G or 5G.


5/26/2022· Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)

Tax And Accounting Firm Reviews Business Needs To Narrow Its ERP Selection Options

By: Panorama Consulting Group

A tax and accounting firm with revenue between $500,000 and $1,000,000, was growing both organically and through acquisition. This firm had a conglomerate of various software. The main financial system (used for time, billing, and financials) was at “end of life,” meaning it was not going to be supported by the vendor in about two years time.


4/28/2022· Construction

Schedule And Delay Analysis Methodologies

By: Long International

The equitable allocation of responsibility for project delays is essential to the resolution of many construction disputes. Contractors frequently assert that they have been delayed for reasons beyond their control. Owners often remain unconvinced that the Contractor is legitimately


4/28/2022· Nonprofit Organizations

Feeding Our Future Nonprofit Defrauds Government

By: Jess Birken, Esq

Feeding Our Future (FOF) was a Minnesota food assistance nonprofit that was awarded millions in federal grant funds in the past few years. FOF passed those funds through to other small organizations and businesses to provide food to children, primarily BIPOC and immigrant children in the Twin Cities and beyond.


4/26/2022· Medical Malpractice

Bariatric Surgery And Endoscopy Expert Witness: Providing A Valuable Service An Medical Malpractice Litigation

By: Dr. Kent Sasse

Metabolic and Bariatric surgery and endoscopy play increasingly important roles in the treatment of type two diabetes and obesity. American Diabetes Association and other societal guidelines now incorporate sleeve gastrectomy and gastric bypass into their recommended treatment protocols.


4/20/2022· Failure Analysis

Glass Coffee Pot Failure Analysis: Thermal Shock Failure Of Borosilicate Glass Coffee Carafe

By: Dr. Thomas Read

The fatigue failure initiated on the outside bottom where the carafe had been scratched with the abrasive scrub pad. As a result of cyclical thermal shock (between 195°C and 15°C), the cracks grew progressively till it reached a critical length. Glass thickness at the origins is approximately 3 mm. One failed after 12.


3/30/2022· Forensic Psychiatry

Personality Of Panic Disorder Alcohol Abusers

By: Dr. James Reich

There has been little scientific investigation of the relationship between anxiety disorders and alcohol abuse and none examining differences in personality factors between those anxiety disorder patients with and without a history of alcohol abuse. There is evidence, however, for an overlap of alcohol abuse and anxiety disorders.


3/22/2022· Telecommunication

Global Standard Setting At 3GPP Endangered With Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine (Analyst Angle)

By: Keith Mallinson

It took the industry 30 years to consolidate mobile communications developments into a single 4G standard with the introduction of LTE and the demise of WiMAX. That attainment—also in 5G—should be cherished; but it is imperiled by geopolitical developments.


3/21/2022· Transportation

The Post-COVID Era Motorcoach Industry

By: Ned Einstein

In this article, I am merely explaining the consequences of cabinet and administrator choices being made in the passenger and freight transportation fields, and commenting on the overall challenges of running the labyrinth of variation and complexity which USDOT is.

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