Michael T. Motley, Ph.D. has over thirty-five years of experience in the field of Communication, with specialization in the areas of public-speaking anxiety (stage fright), interpersonal communication, meaning, and psycholinguistics. He has developed an approach to reducing public-speaking stage fright that has been proven in several clinical trials to be the most effective therapy available. The method is successful in about 95% of severe cases and 85% of moderate cases. Dr. Motley is a Professor of Communication with the University of California at Davis. He has authored almost 200 books, articles, and research papers in communication and psycholinguistics. He has won eighteen excellence awards for his research and was recognized as among the "Top 1%" of communication scholars of the 1970's, 1980's, and 1990's. Areas of Expertise:
- Stage Fright Reduction
- Interpersonal Communication Skills
- Male / Female Misunderstandings
- Communication of Sexual Consent
Services Offered:
- Consultation and Advice in Above Areas
- Therapy for Public-Speaking Anxiety (Stage Fright)
View Expert Witness Profile.
If you do work as an expert witness on warnings, you probably feel quite confident that you know a bad warning when you see one (and would know a good one if you ever saw one). Of course, backing up our opinion with some version of, "I just know" doesn't make for very strong testimony. Indeed, we can count on our criteria being challenged by opposing council even when we can articulate them.
My first expert witness case involved a man who was injured using a chinup bar designed to fit within a door frame. The bar has rubber suction cups at each end, and its length is adjusted by twisting its two sections together or apart for a telescoping effect.
Michael T. Motley, PhD
In this volume, recognized scholars discuss ways they have applied communication research to court cases as an expert witness or consultant in such areas as jury selection, pretrial publicity, sexual consent, warning adequacy, hindsight bias, jury decision making, document authorship identification, graphics and simulations and several others. For attorneys, the volume may provide an introduction to ways that communication scholarship can inform their future cases.
Michael T. Motley, PhD
This book offers solutions for communication problems that erupt in our daily lives. By focusing on socially meaningful applied research in communication, this book offers a new direction for interpersonal communication studies. Featuring original studies that are practical and relevant, chapters provide readers with a balanced combination of rigorous research with pragmatic application.