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4/25/2004· Expert Witnessing

Timing is Important In Selecting An Expert Witness

By: Peter H. Burgher

A prominant southeastern Michigan law firm specializing in certain types of litigation recently asked me if I was able to serve as an expert regarding measurement of damages in an employee discharge case


5/29/2003· Expert Witnessing

Avoiding Ipse Dixit Mislabeling: Post-Daubert Approaches To Expert Clinical Opinions

By: Harold Bursztajn, MD and Thomas G. Gutheil, MD

Recent Supreme Court decisions emphasize the need to regulate the admissibility of expert testimony by means of standards that require opinions going beyond ipse dixit; that is, that are based on more than the fact that the expert "said it him/herself

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Application of Biological Markers to...

by Harry A. Milman, PhD

Boardroom Strategies for Financial...

by Catherine A. Ghiglieri and Jewell D. Hoover broker Movie Ad

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