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8/1/2012· Technology

Communication Tips for Technology Professionals

By: Leo A. Wrobel

Technology professionals who are serious about seeing their career elevate beyond the level of bits and bytes will go above and beyond what their peers choose not to do. Noted author and technical futurist Leo Wrobel explains why verbal and written communication skills are key to not only keeping a job but climbing the corporate ladder.


4/25/2012· Business Management

How Sarbanes-Oxley Affects Your Disaster Recovery Planning

By: Leo A. Wrobel

Unless you're trying to land your CEO in jail, your disaster recovery plan had better be good. Leo Wrobel explains how the passage of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 ultimately means that you really need a plan that protects your data.


11/16/2011· Business Management

Business Resumption Planning in Small and Medium-Sized Offices

By: Leo A. Wrobel

Your small business can go from thriving to surviving in the time it takes for an earthquake, an intruder, or some other disaster to wreak havoc on your property. Leo Wrobel explores some steps that even very small businesses can take to prevent or handle a disaster and get back to normal.

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Pest Management with Natural Products...

by Joel R. Coats, et al. (editors)

A Woman's Odyssey Into Africa: Tracks...

by Hanny Lightfoot-Klein

Financial Modeling (With CD-ROM)

by Simon Benninga, Benjamin Czackes broker Movie Ad

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