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1/27/2016· Crisis Management

Self-dispatching in Emergencies and Disasters

By: Dr. Luiz Hargreaves

As an emergency professional, we are prepared to deal with unexpected situations, including disasters. Every time we hear about potential or real crisis, we automatically review the procedures in our minds and the desire to help is enormous. On many occasions, I would like to go directly to a scene to assist the victims and my peers. I believe that this feeling is not different among everyone involved in this field.


10/21/2015· Crisis Management

Panic In Fires

By: Dr. Luiz Hargreaves

Some articles have been written over the years about panic in disasters and fires. The idea that panic rarely occurs in disasters has been readily accepted. When disasters happen, usually, people act in such a way to show solidarity with the other victims. It is common to see some degree of organization in order to assist searches and reconstruction work.


9/9/2015· Crisis Management

Mass Casualties Related to Major Events Since 1900: Why the Tragedies Are Still Happening

By: Dr. Luiz Hargreaves

In 1903, a fire killed more than 600 people in the Iroquois Theater in Chicago. Most of the victims were children. Among the causes of this tragedy were inadequate emergency exits, insufficient and poorly signposted, overcrowding, lack of fire protection equipment and even suspicion of bribery of persons responsible for overseen the safety conditions of the Theater.

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