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5/7/2019· Telecommunication

Rumplestiltskin, LLP: Volume I - The Dark Side of Fax

By: Ray Horak

In an effort to address a growing number of telephone marketing calls and certain other telemarketing practices thought to be invasions of privacy, Congress enacted the Telephone Consumer Protection Act of 1991 (TCPA), codified at 47 U.S.C. § 227.


8/6/2012· Recreation & Sports

Safety & Risk Management In RBI Baseball/Softball

By: Leonard K. Lucenko, PhD

Coaching, on the youth level such as the Reviving Baseball in the Inner Cities program, (RBI) sponsored by Major League Baseball, is one of the crucial elements in the conduct of safe play in baseball/softball. The coach has a significant impact on risk management and safety and must be educated and convinced to make safety a priority in team management.


4/16/2020· Transportation

Safety and Liability: Motorcoach Survival in the Age of COVID-19 (Part 1)

By: Ned Einstein

I would normally begin a series by exploring the origin of the problems. These would have included four decades of failure in multiple sectors of public transportation. Among its fellow modes, the motorcoach industry created the fewest of these failures. But the motorcoach industry has been limited in its capabilities...


6/24/2016· OSHA

Safety Committees - Safety Culture: It's Not Just Another Trend

By: Greg Gerganoff

Safety culture is a term frequently bandied about in today's business world and sounds as trendy as "mission statements" were years ago. (Let's not forget "best in class". First time I heard this at a company meeting I looked around to make sure I hadn't mistakenly wandered into a dog show. Really?)


9/28/2018· Transportation

Safety Compromises, Part 10: Passenger Assistance -- Standards, Practices and Disincentives

By: Ned Einstein

An industry outsider (say, a juror) might consider the variation in passenger assistance within the public transportation industry alarming. Exploring a single theme like boarding and alighting illustrates the extremes


11/9/2018· Transportation

Safety Compromises, Part 11: Wheelchair and Passenger Securement

By: Ned Einstein

As with most things, the ADA requirement to make all new motorcoaches purchased after 2001 wheelchair-accessible, and the 2015 ruling to install three-point occupant restraint systems, introduced an entirely new spectrum of safety, liability and social concerns to the motorcoach industry. But a couple of responses to these requirements, particularly by one OEM and one supplier, have opened up a whole new set of opportunities for savvy motorcoach operators.


12/24/2018· Transportation

Safety Compromises, Part 12: Conclusions

By: Ned Einstein

The final installment of this series examines the socio-economic dynamics and choices which led to the increasing commission of safety compromises by America’s public transportation services.


10/16/2017· Automotive - Vehicular

Safety Compromises, Part 2: On-Board Slips and Falls

By: Ned Einstein

In Part 1 of this series, I introduced the notion that roughly half of all public transportation-related incidents are the result of a deliberate trade-off of passenger safety for some system or owner's benefit. The most common benefit is the service provider's operating a schedule that is too tight.


1/31/2018· Automotive - Vehicular

Safety Compromises, Part 3: Wheelchair and Passenger Securement

By: Ned Einstein

Among all the safety compromises pandemic to the public transportation industry, wheelchair tipovers are, by far, the least common to the motorcoach sector compared to other services which deploy accessible vehicles. Of course, this is largely because so few wheelchair users travel by motorcoach.


2/22/2018· Automotive - Vehicular

Safety Compromises, Part 4: Speeding

By: Ned Einstein

Speeding would seem like the most obvious safety compromise. Speeding would seem like the most natural remedy to a schedule too tight, and the most obvious way to pick up more passengers, increase system capacity and maximize revenue: Just drive faster.

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Owen Ahearn

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