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9/10/2019· Foreign Affairs - Geopolitics

A Bird's Eye View of Asia: A Continental Landscape of Minorities in Peril

By: James M. Dorsey, PhD

A bird’s eye view of Asia produces a picture of a continental landscape strewn with minorities on the defensive whose positioning as full-fledged members of society with equal rights and opportunities is either being eroded or severely curtailed.


8/19/2019· Nonprofit Organizations

The Secret to Starting a Successful Nonprofit

By: Jess Birken, Esq

Here's the secret to getting your nonprofit idea off the ground: knowing for sure that it should be a nonprofit in the first place.


8/2/2019· Sexual Abuse - Molestation - Harassment

A Case Study: On Sports Liability Waivers And Sexual Abuse In Youth-Serving Organizations

By: Katherine Starr

Is Sexual Abuse in Youth-Serving Organizations Covered under a Liability Waiver? This argument was presented by the defense in a recent case. Let's review and see if this is a plausible argument in youth-serving activities.


7/23/2019· Medical - Medicine

Myasthenia Gravis Disorder: Diagnosis, Crisis, and Treatment 0verview

By: Dr. Sajid Khan

Myasthenic crisis is a rapidly progressive and potentially fatal condition. Early consideration and bedside confirmatory tests are essential. Have a low threshold to establish a definitive airway using higher than typical doses of paralytic medications. Involve the consultant early and be extra vigilant when caring for anyone with a history of myasthenia gravis


7/23/2019· Documentation Examination & Analysis

A Weak Forensic Document Examiner's Opinion Helps Win Case

By: Mike Wakshull

You have hired a forensic examiner to analyze evidence for your civil case. After a thorough examination of the evidence, the forensic examiner delivers a weak forensic opinion toward favoring your theory of the case. Will the examiner's weak opinion help you in trial?


7/1/2019· Medical - Medicine

Failure of Medical Stress Tests

By: Dr. Sajid Khan

When evaluating a patient, we rely on a good history to help us form a differential diagnosis. We use our physical exam skills to refine that list. A bedside ultrasound or ECG can further guide our decision-making and save precious time. Beyond these, we rely on seemingly failsafe data: radiographs, blood tests, and urine samples. But sometimes these reliable tests aren't so reliable.


6/13/2019· Telecommunication

Rumplestiltskin, LLP: The Dark Side of Dialers

By: Ray Horak

Most of us know, at least in general terms, about the restrictions on unsolicited telemarketing calls to consumers and the national Do-Not-Call (DNC) list designed to end those annoyances...or opportunities, depending on your perspective. Just to refresh your memory, the TCPA states "It shall be unlawful for any person within the United States, or any person outside the United States if the recipient is within the United States—(A) to make any call (other than a call made for emergency purposes or made with the prior express consent of the called party) using any automatic telephone dialing system [ATDS] or an artificial or prerecorded voice


6/10/2019· Finance

Elder Abuse Awareness Day (6/15): How to Protect Your Parents from Financial Abuse

By: Marguerita Cheng

Did you hear of the case out of Wisconsin that involved a younger couple and their neighbor, a 92-year-old retired teacher who never married and had dementia? After befriending the woman, the couple took control of her home and nearly $2 million of her savings before they were eventually found out.


5/7/2019· Telecommunication

Rumplestiltskin, LLP: Volume I - The Dark Side of Fax

By: Ray Horak

In an effort to address a growing number of telephone marketing calls and certain other telemarketing practices thought to be invasions of privacy, Congress enacted the Telephone Consumer Protection Act of 1991 (TCPA), codified at 47 U.S.C. § 227.


4/25/2019· Emergency Medicine

Ready for the Measles' Comeback?

By: Dr. Sajid Khan

As disease patterns evolve, so too must we. Being aware of emerging illnesses and remaining diligent in identifying their presence ensures a safe environment for the patient and the community. Measles is a highly contagious and potentially lethal viral infectious disease.

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