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5/25/2011· Construction

Lead Based Paint: Compliance With EPA's RRP Rule (40 CFR 745); Renovation, Repair, And Painting...And The Real World

By: Wayne Baruch

By now, you have probably heard about the rules that tell us how to properly manage lead-based paint under the U.S. EPA, the U.S. Dept. of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), the Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA), and most State, County, and Local governments.


3/26/2014· Warnings & Labels

Warnings: When Do They Help, When Do They Hurt?

By: Dr. Kenneth Solomon

In essence, to warn is to place someone on advance notice of a danger or a potential danger. To warn requires that the person or people giving the warning have a superior knowledge of the harm or potential harm compared to the person or people exposed. Further, the person or the people who are warning must also have a superior knowledge of the means of reducing either the likelihood and/or the magnitude of the harm or potential harm as compared with the person or people exposed.


6/3/2021· Marketing

DIY Websites For Forensic Experts in 2021

By: Beryl Vaughan

Are you ready to build your website? Or did you build one yourself? Can you really build a website yourself? You may well be tempted to take a Saturday afternoon and follow the lure of a DIY site: that it will be inexpensive and easy. DIY sites offer premade templates called Themes. You plug in your info (name, address)


7/31/2009· Accident Investigation & Reconstruction

Forensic Engineering Experts: Construction

By: Kristopher J. Seluga, PE

Construction sites and equipment present many hazards if proper care is not taken. The space in and around a construction site is often filled with potentially dangerous, high-powered equipment capable of delivering high forces.


3/11/2011· Aerosols - Aerosol Products

Aerosol Anatomy - The Aerosol Laboratory Part 2

By: John Chadwick

This article continues the Aerosol Anatomy series, which dissects and examines various technical topics in aerosol technology, including product development, new technology, components of the aerosol system, and quality control of aerosol products.


7/31/2009· Accident Investigation & Reconstruction

Forensic Engineering Experts: Occupant Injuries

By: Kristopher J. Seluga, PE

In many vehicle accident investigations, it is necessary to know not only the speeds and motions of the vehicles involved, but the causes of injuries suffered by their occupants as well. Such investigations seek to answer questions regarding occupant ejection, effects of seatbelt use, airbag deployment and body-interior impacts.


3/26/2014· Marine - Maritime

Integrated Navigation System: Not a Sum of Its Parts

By: Capt. Joseph F. Ryan

Similar to the evolutionary process for living organisms, marine navigation systems are becoming increasingly complex and sophisticated. Both by design and function, shipboard and shore-based navigation systems are no longer individual equipment components operating independently. Instead, the trend is toward integration, data fusion and synergy. One example of this are new Performance Standards being considered by IMO to achieve a "harmonized" presentation of all navigation-related information on the display of an integrated navigation system (INS).


5/6/2013· Workplace Violence

How to Make Your Business a Bully-Free Zone

By: Timothy A. Dimoff

Bullying in the workplace is a very serious issue. It has been linked to workplace violence and many other workplace problems.


8/2/2012· Plants & Trees

Tree Removal Liability Sharing

By: John Harris

The number of storms in recent years increases the need for better tree and landscape decisions for property owners. Research regarding landscape damages for different storm intensities, what plants get knocked down by winds more often, and priorities for landscape restoration have been intensified by many southern state universities' forestry and horticultural departments.


11/20/2014· Insurance

Construction Risk Management: Claim Auditing

By: Frederick Fisher, JD, CCP

The claims audit is the anathema of day-to-day claim operations. Nothing is more disruptive. Yet, if properly defined, nothing is more informative and helpful in improving a claim management program. This article will examine the need for a regular auditing program and provide a recipe for a three-dimensional approach to the process in order to maximize the accuracy of the audit results.

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