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8/14/2012· Psychiatry

Men's Violence Toward Women: Fear of the Feminine and Ultramasculinity

By: Dr. Michael Levittan

What is the biggest insult, the nastiest put-down that a boy can suffer? What is the most shameful indignity, the most humiliating comment that a man must endure? It is to be referred to as a woman! It is to be called a name that compares one to a woman or to a part of a woman's body.


6/1/2012· Psychology

The Meaning and Essence of Anger Management

By: Dr. Michael Levittan

Anger management is one of the "hot" phrases of the 21st century. It is a concept that is often used, often suggested, but little understood. A good working definition of anger management is: "The insertion of rational thought into a mind that is consumed with anger."


12/12/2011· Psychology

The Key to Anger Management is Being Assertive

By: Dr. Michael Levittan

In today's world, anger management has become a necessary concept to understand and practice in order to effectively navigate the challenges of family, work, school and social life. It is commonly thought that managing angerinvolves not getting angry anymore.

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Introduction to Human Factors and...

by Mark R. Lehto, Steven J. Landry & Jim Buck broker Movie Ad

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