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6/17/2009· Linguistics

Forensic Linguists: When Does a Lawyer Need One?

By: Dr. Alan M. Perlman

When does a lawyer need a linguist? As Roger Shuy, one of the most pre-eminent forensic linguists, has observed, the interpretation and application of the law are overwhelmingly about language


9/23/2015· Finance

FINRA Dispute Resolution Essentials

By: Bob Lawson

I receive phone calls throughout the year from attorneys who have taken on their first FINRA case and they frequently are unaware how the FINRA Dispute Resolution process differs from other venues. I thought it would be helpful to provide a quick overview for new participants and a refresher for those more experienced securities attorneys on how the FINRA Arbitration and Mediation process works.


11/4/2021· Construction

Preserving Your Construction Claim Through Documentation

By: Long International

Sound contract administrative practice requires keeping records in an orderly fashion and periodically reviewing those records, as needs dictate. While preparing and maintaining documentation involves effort, ready access to factual data affords management a variety of benefits. Conscientious record keeping can preclude confusion and subsequent disagreements, and, therefore, can help to prevent claims


9/30/2008· Banking

What Banking Regulators Want: A Guide to Bracing For Your Next Examination

By: Catherine A. Ghiglieri

Bankers are hearing horror stories about examiners’ demands and are confused as to how to plan for their next examination. What should they focus on? And will those things be the wrong things when the examiners come into their bank


11/14/2021· Forensic Psychiatry

Understanding Dementia and Medical-Legal Implications

By: Dr. Sanjay Adhia

Dementia encompasses degenerative disorders to the brain. It can be subtle and fluctuate in severity even from day to day. It can accompany genetic factors, or be associated with an injury or repeated injuries to the brain and head. It is serious and marked by symptoms that can impair making informed decisions or manage the most basic tasks we take for granted in living our daily lives.


10/9/2009· Physician Assistants

Physician Assistant Malpractice History: Comparing Pas to Physicians and Nurse Practitioners

By: Jeffrey G. Nicholson, PA-C, PhD

Based on the first seventeen years of data from the National Practitioner Data Bank, nationwide Physician Assistant malpractice demonstrates lower malpractice incidence and average payment amounts over a 17 Year Period Compared to MDs and Advance Practice Nurses


8/12/2022· Nonprofit Organizations

Nonprofit Board Member Removal: A Dilemma For The National Endowment For Democracy

By: Jess Birken, Esq

Working with nonprofit organizations, I deal with a LOT of people problems. And it makes sense, right? When you ask a group of people passionate about a cause (aka, the board of directors) to come together to make collective decisions…disagreements and confrontations are inevitable.


12/17/2012· Construction

The Importance and Value of "Notice" Provisions in Construction Contracts

By: Long International

Most construction contracts, whether they are standard or customized forms, usually contain specific provisions related expressly to the process of giving "notice." The notice generally refers to an obligation on the part of the Contractor to notify the relevant party administering the contract, normally the architect, resident engineer, or owner's representative, of a claim or change event that gives rise to possible additional entitlement for time and/or cost.


3/9/2022· Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)

Pulp Manufacturer Implements Modern Platform While Ensuring Employee Engagement And Buy-In

By: Panorama Consulting Group

Client Uses environmentally sustainable practices to produce approximately 650,000 tons of chlorine-free, bleach kraft pulp annually. Generates approximately $155 million in annual revenue...


4/5/2013· Engineering

Case Study: Coke Oven Battery Analysis

By: Bill O'Donnell

A comprehensive engineering analysis was performed on a coke oven battery roof and heating walls. Coke oven batteries are constructed with refractory bricks.

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James D. Wamble, PE, RLS


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