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3/17/2011· Economics

Pseudo - Economists - The New Junk Scientists

By: Stan V. Smith

The increased use of economic experts in commercial damage cases, as well as in personal injury and wrongful death cases, has resulted in the emergence of a group of experts who offer economic services but are unqualified and ill-trained in economics.


4/26/2022· Medical Malpractice

Bariatric Surgery And Endoscopy Expert Witness: Providing A Valuable Service An Medical Malpractice Litigation

By: Dr. Kent Sasse

Metabolic and Bariatric surgery and endoscopy play increasingly important roles in the treatment of type two diabetes and obesity. American Diabetes Association and other societal guidelines now incorporate sleeve gastrectomy and gastric bypass into their recommended treatment protocols.


8/8/2013· Pools and Spas (Recreational)

Pool & Spa Entrapment

By: Gerald Dworkin

Since 1980, the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) has documented over 18 incidents, including five deaths, involving children between the ages of two and 14 who were injured or died due to body part entrapment involving the drain of a swimming pool, wading pool or spa.


12/1/2021· Transportation

Transportation Network Companies - Even Worse Than Expected

By: Ned Einstein

The “Bad Regulations” series noted above identified a litany of institutional and industry-wide failures to stop the incursion of TNC’s from gutting the taxicab industry. Alongside the successful decimation of that sector, and the near-collapse of tour and charter service caused by the COVID-19 (and our failures to mitigate it), few noticed that fixed route transit ridership had declined by roughly 10 percent during the two years preceding COVID-19.


7/14/2009· Forensic Analysis

Golf Car Hazards

By: Kristopher J. Seluga, PE

According to the Consumer Products Safety Commission (CPSC), there are approximately 10,000 golf car related injuries requiring emergency room treatment in the US each year. One significant mode of injury in golf car accidents is passenger ejection, which can lead to serious injuries, especially of the head. Based on CPSC statistics, roughly 35% of golf car accidents involve a person falling out of the car. In addition to ejection accidents, at least 10% of golf car accidents involve a rollover and statistics indicate that such accidents are roughly twice as likely to lead to injuries requiring a hospital stay as non-rollover accidents.


11/15/2007· Professional Skills

10 Focusing Strategies for ADD Clients

By: Evelyn Gray, CPO-CD

It’s so hard for ADD people to concentrate on tasks some times, because every time something is touched, they think of something else to do. So just trying to say out loud to yourself, "Focus, focus, focus"—easier said than done, but give it a try


10/20/2021· Marine - Maritime

The Role Of The Classification Society In Passenger Ship Safety

By: George Zeitler

The public wants to know who is directly responsible for cruise ship safety. Well, the simple answer is that responsibility for safety starts and ends with ship owners and managers. However, owners often seek assistance from classification (class) societies in identifying and evaluating safety risks. Although often referenced in the maritime world, class society roles and responsibilities relating to vessel safety are not widely known.


7/13/2016· Legal Issues

The Expert Witness In Real Estate Litigation - A User's Guide

By: Lawrence Jacobson

Although many articles have been written about the use of the expert witness in litigation, almost all are written by lawyers and rarely by an expert witness who is also a lawyer. Having practiced law since 1968 in the area of real estate and business transactions with a real estate broker's license since 1978, I have testified frequently as an expert witness in litigation involving the interpretation of real estate documents, the standard of care of real estate brokers, in legal malpractice actions involving real estate and business transactions and in legal fee disputes. As such, I thought it would be helpful to litigators handling real estate litigation matters to have the perspective of an expert witness on issues affecting the choice, usage and cross-examination of an expert witness in such litigation.


1/16/2015· Elevators - Escalator - Automatic Doors

Increasing School Security Concepts to Keep Our Students Safe

By: Michael Panish

In December of 2012 a gunman broke into Sandy Hook Elementary School in Connecticut and viciously murdered 20 children and 6 administrators. Adding Sandy Hook Elementary School to a growing list of other tragic school shootings confirms that any educational institution should be considered a viable target for future attacks.


3/21/2022· Transportation

The Post-COVID Era Motorcoach Industry

By: Ned Einstein

In this article, I am merely explaining the consequences of cabinet and administrator choices being made in the passenger and freight transportation fields, and commenting on the overall challenges of running the labyrinth of variation and complexity which USDOT is.

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Vicki Petropoulos, DMD, MS, FACP


Vicki Petropoulos, DMD, MS, FACP

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