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7/2/2014· Aquatics Safety

Hyperventilation Induced Blackout (HIB)

By: Gerald Dworkin

Shallow Water Blackout (SWB) vs. Hyperventilation-Induced Blackout (HIB)....


9/25/2013· Aquatics Safety

Low-Water Crossings: "The Hidden Danger"

By: Gerald Dworkin

Nearly half of all flood related deaths occur in vehicles. Most of these deaths take place when people drive into flooded highway dips or low drainage areas.


8/8/2013· Pools and Spas (Recreational)

Pool & Spa Entrapment

By: Gerald Dworkin

Since 1980, the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) has documented over 18 incidents, including five deaths, involving children between the ages of two and 14 who were injured or died due to body part entrapment involving the drain of a swimming pool, wading pool or spa.


5/29/2013· Aquatics Safety

Management of Aquatic Spinal Injuries

By: Gerald Dworkin

All public and semi-public aquatic facilities should be equipped with appropriate spinal immobilization devices (SIDs), in addition to cervical collars, lateral stabilization items (i.e. blankets, towels, sand bags, and so forth), and appropriate immobilization material (i.e. straps and bandages).


11/14/2013· Aquatics Safety

Firefighter Survival in the Water

By: Gerald Dworkin

In the event a firefighter is suddenly and unexpectedly immersed in deep water while wearing full turnout gear, the firefighter's survival is dependent upon the actions taken during the first critical seconds of the immersion. The incidence of this type of emergency increases when firefighters are fighting apartment fires around a swimming pool, during suppression activities on and around piers and docks, as well as during a fall-through incident in which the firefighter falls through a floor into a basement filled with water.


10/16/2013· Aquatics Safety

Prevention of Torso Reflex and the Proper Use of the Stearns' Cold Water/Ice Rescue Suit

By: Gerald Dworkin

The purpose of this article is to describe the proper use and application of the Stearns Cold Water/ Ice Rescue Suit by Fire, Rescue, and other Public Safety Personnel during cold water and ice rescue incidents. This article has been specifically written to address the prevention of Torso Reflex or Inhalation Response during the rescuer's entry into cold water.


7/18/2013· Aquatics Safety

The Heimlich Controversy in Near-Drowning Resuscitation

By: Gerald Dworkin

As a result of renewed electronic and print media exposure, the Heimlich Controversy has once more reared its head creating a confusing message for lifeguard and other rescue personnel regarding the resuscitation procedures to be used when confronted with a near-drowning resuscitation incident.


8/7/2014· Aquatics Safety

Hands-Only CPR Simplifies Saving Lives for Bystanders

By: Gerald Dworkin

DALLAS, April 1 - Chest compressions alone, or Hands-Only Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR), can save lives and can be used to help an adult who suddenly collapses, according to a new American Heart Association scientific statement.


2/13/2013· Aquatics Safety

Teaching CPR in the Schools

By: Gerald Dworkin

Each year approximately one million people in the United States suffer from acute myocardial infarction (heart attack) of which approximately 700,000 die. About 350,000 of these fatalities occur outside the hospital, usually within two hours after the onset of symptoms of a heart disorder.


1/24/2014· Aquatics Safety

Swimming Pool-Related Drownings & Injuries

By: Gerald Dworkin

Although showing a slight downward trend, U.S. pool-related drownings have see-sawed for the past several years - despite reinforcement of safety messages in the media.

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