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4/26/2024· Construction

Why Expert Witness Testimony Matters in Commercial Construction Accidents That Occur in Southern California

By: Dick Bridy, PhD

The towering cranes and bustling activity on a commercial construction site can be a marvel of modern engineering. However, beneath the surface lurks a constant threat -the potential for accidents. When these accidents occur, the path to securing fair compensation can be fraught with complexities.


4/24/2024· Toxicology

The "Forever" Chemical Perfluorooctanaote (PFOA)

By: Dr. Michael Dourson

This essay is about the “forever” chemical, per-fluoro-octano-ate, also known as PFOA, and similar chemicals. You have likely read about “forever” chemicals in the news or heard about these chemicals or saw the movie Dark Waters, where excess exposures to these chemicals were alleged to cause a number of


4/11/2024· Medical - Medicine

Fine-Needle Aspiration Biopsy of Secondary Neoplasms of the Thyroid Gland

By: Dr. Paul Michaels

Secondary neoplasms of the thyroid gland (SNTGs), representing either metastases or direct extension of tumors from adjacent anatomic structures, are uncommon. Their reported incidence varies substantially, however, ranging from 0.1% to 3% in clinical series. They have been reported as incidental findings in autopsy studies with a frequency of 4.4% to 24% in patients with a known primary cancer or...


4/11/2024· Ethics / Ethical Duties

Business Transactions with Clients - A Trap for The Unwary Practitioner

By: William A. Muñoz, Esq

The Lawyer’s Lawyer is turning its attention to a situation that most of you have probably not considered in your practice, but have unknowingly participated in – business transactions with a client. The significance of this is that not recognizing when you are involved in a business transaction with a client,


4/5/2024· Failure Analysis

Defending Assets: A Legal Perspective On Corrosion Prevention

By: Jose Villalobos, PE

Corrosion poses a significant threat to various industries, and its impact on assets cannot be underestimated. As an engineer, you might wonder how this topic can be of interest to an attorney. Well, attorneys play a crucial role in protecting their clients' interests, and corrosion prevention aligns seamlessly with legal strategies aimed at safeguarding assets. In this article, we will explore the legal implications of corrosion and the role attorneys can play in mitigating its risks.


3/20/2024· Speech-Language Pathology

Intubation And Aspiration

By: Megan M. Hamilton, MS, CCC-SLP

Food material found in the airway or trachea in an autopsy gives the impression the patient choked to death and suggests liability on the providers’ part. That may be the case, some deaths simply are by choking and secondary to failure on the part of a caregiver to follow diet orders, feeding tactics, postural recommendations, compensatory strategies and/or other safe swallow recommendations.


3/20/2024· Plastic / Reconstructive / Cosmetic Surgery

The Role Of Plastic Surgeon In Propane Burns And Explosions

By: Dr. Thomas Zaydon

In the aftermath of propane burns and explosions, the role of plastic surgeons becomes paramount in the journey toward recovery. Beyond the immediate response to injuries, these specialists play a crucial role in reconstructing lives physically and emotionally.


3/11/2024· Foot / Ankle Surgery

The Use of Arthroscopy In Acute Foot And Ankle Trauma: A Review

By: John M. Schuberth, DPM

The use of arthroscopy in the management of acute traumatic conditions of the foot and ankle has increased in recent years, primarily because of an appreciation of fracture morphology and the utility of reducing the surgical footprint. This article presents an overview of the use of this modality in foot and ankle trauma and presents an anatomical survey of the various fractures where arthroscopic assistance can be of benefit.


3/11/2024· Construction

Apportionment Of Indirect Costs To Significant Change Events

By: Long International

This article discusses the methods, concerns, and considerations for apportioning indirect costs in a dispute setting where the apportionment of indirect costs is necessary and when detailed actual indirect costs or indirect labor hour data assigned specifically to the underlying change that is being analyzed does not exist in the contemporaneous project records.


2/28/2024· Psychiatry

Paranoid Personality Traits In A Panic Disorder Population: A Pilot Study

By: Dr. James Reich

To better understand the relationship between panic disorder and paranoid personality, panic disorder patients (N = 28) who were referred to an anxiety disorder clinic in a community mental health center were evaluated for paranoid personality traits on a standardized personality self-report instrument.

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