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SEO And Internet Technologies Expert Witness Jessie Stricchiola
Jessie Stricchiola
100 Pine Street, Suite 1250
San Francisco CA
phone: 415-777-2524

Jessie Stricchiola has over 23 years of experience in the fields of Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Digital Marketing, and Internet Technologies. She is the founder of Alchemist Media, Inc., a digital marketing consultancy launched in 2002 that provides various internet and search engine marketing consulting services, including SEO, website development, web analytics, and digital marketing strategies.
Ms. Stricchiola began studying search algorithms and digital information discoverability in 1997, and was first employed as a full-time search engine optimization (SEO) specialist in 1998. She is co-author of The Art of SEO, (O’Reilly Media, 1st Ed. 2009, 2nd Ed. 2012, 3rd Ed. 2015, 4th Ed, 2022), a treatise on the practice of SEO that has been used as required or recommended reading in courses at Georgetown University, USC, UCLA, UCSD, UC Davis, the University of Wisconsin, Syracuse University, the University of Mumbai, the City University of Hong Kong, and others.
Ms. Stricchiola has been a presenter and/or moderator at various search engine and internet industry conferences since 2002, including Ad:tech, O'Reilly's Web 2.0, Pubcon,, FOO Camp (O’Reilly), Search Engine Strategies, Search Marketing Expo (SMX), and others. She is credited with having been the first to identify Click Fraud in the PPC (pay per click) industry in 2001. Her work on this issue has been featured in numerous media outlets, including NPR, The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal,, CNN Money, and in The Google Story (First Edition, David a. Vise).
Litigation Support - Jessie Stricchiola has been qualified as an Internet Discoverability, Web Analytics, and Search Engine Optimization Subject Matter Expert in two US Federal District Courts, the Federal Court of Canada, and various California Superior Courts. Her services include pre-file case evaluation and research, expert consultant (non-testifying) engagements, and expert witness testimony at deposition and trial including claims construction and related testimony for patent litigation. CV available upon request
Parties to Litigation: U.S. Government, Uber Technologies Inc., Google Inc., Microsoft Online Inc., Yahoo! Inc., Dyson Technologies, Inc., IHG Hotels & Resorts, FremantleMedia, and others.
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