BTI Appraisal is a broad-based appraisal company which provides a consistently high level of Real Estate Appraisals, Business Valuations, and Machinery and Equipment Appraisals for Business, Professional, Public and Private Sectors. When you choose BTI Appraisal, you benefit from a strong tradition of experience and accuracy.
A corporate philosophy stressing efficiency and attentive service has made BTI a leader among independent appraisers. They are proud of their reputation for stability, responsiveness, and accomplishment in and out of the courtroom. At BTI, their seasoned staff of success oriented professionals treats each assignment with precise attention to detail, providing needed research and responsive service on a wide range of appraisal needs.

Litigation Support - BTI’s Founder and Chairman, Ben F. Tunnell III, has headed the firm since 1974. Previously, he spent eight years with First Interstate Bank of California as vice president at their corporate headquarters in Los Angeles. He served on the board of arbitrators for both the American Arbitration Association and the Better Business Bureau. He has also been a Registered Investment Advisor and Broker/Dealer with the Securities and Exchange Commission and a licensed, California Real Estate Broker.
Mr. Tunnell is an ASA, the senior designation of the American Society of Appraisers, and a California Certified General Real Estate Appraiser #AG-6964. He has qualified and testified in Federal and Superior Courts, as well as in arbitration proceedings as an expert witness in Business Valuations, Real Estate, and Machinery and Equipment Appraisals.
View BCI's Consulting Profile.