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Accident Investigation and Reconstruction Consultants: 71
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Snow Removal Consultant Jeremy Swenson
Jeremy Swenson, CSP
4320 Green Mountain Drive
Colorado Springs CO
phone: 816-564-9131

Swenson Consulting offers Snow Removal Services and developed its own proprietary snow operations software and can help business owners who desire to build or maintain a software package to assist their snow operations. They offer general business advice for many different types of situations including:
- Growth Development and Strategy for Snow Removal Businesses
- Diversification of Snow Removal Business Services
- Effective Collection of Invoicing for Snow Removal Businesses
Principal, Jeremy Swenson, CSP, has satisfied requirements by SIMA (largest nationally recognized snow and ice trade organization-Snow and Ice Management Association) to become a Certified Snow Professional. There are less than 250 CSP’s in the USA.
Mr. Swenson owned and operated Snowmen, one of the largest snow and ice management companies in North America for over 20 years. He has obtained Security Clearance and is trained for onsite snow operations at the IRS Regional Headquarters, FBI Headquarters, Department Of Treasury Buildings, and many types of Airport, Railroad, Organ Transplant Centers, and Medical facilities. He stays current with the modern methods and systems used today in snow and ice removal operations, procedures, equipment, contracts, and is very familiar with the types of de-icers used in the snow removal industry today. He has successfully navigated hundreds of slip and fall accidents and snow removal-related incidents. After overseeing thousands of commercial accounts over the years, he has worked through almost every issue that is relevant to a snow removal operation in the industry.
Safety Engineering Consultant Dale Wheeler
Dale Wheeler
139 Old Creek Road
AND: 12200 Bunya Lane, Ruther Glen, VA 22546
Palos Park IL
phone: 703-477-5928
fax: 703-794-1744
Dale Wheeler is licensed in Fire Protection and Safety Engineering, and is certified in Basic Code Enforcement / Building Inspection by the Building Officials and Code Administrators (BOCA). He is published on fire safety in Atrium Buildings and in Exhibition Halls. Mr. Wheeler's Areas of Expertise include:
- Fire Protection System Design, installation and operation:
- Fire detection
- Smoke detection
- Fire alarm
- Central Station
- Sprinkler systems
- Fire suppression systems
- Smoke control - Fire and Smoke Barriers
- Building Code, Life Safety Code, and Fire Code Compliance
- Fire Hazard, Building Materials, Fire Resistance Ratings
- Fire Cause and Origin
- Arson
- Means of egress, egress signage, emergency lighting
- Forensic Fire and Fire Systems Investigation
Mechanical Engineering Consultant Bransford Pickett
Bransford Pickett, PE
PE Mechanical Engineering
1356 Santa Olivia Road
Chula Vista CA
phone: 619-977-7693
fax: 619-781-8752

Bransford Pickett, PE, BSc, MScBA, has over 25 years of experience as a Mechanical Engineer. A California Registered Professional Engineer, Mr. Pickett holds a BSE from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, and a MScBA in Finance from San Diego State University. His Materials Handling and Engineering Consulting Services are offered to insurance and end user companies nationally and internationally. The combination of field expertise, engineering, and regulatory compliance experience provide Mr. Pickett's clients with a complete package of services. The depth and breadth of his expertise covers many successful design projects including commercial and military ships, many complex material handling activities, testing requirements of shipboard system, and development and implementation of compliance programs. Many of the major projects include first of a kind challenges such as the Exxon Valdez post - accident docking and structural repairs, commission testing of navy auxiliary ships’ equipment including fueling systems, the US Navy Shughart Class Container Ship Conversion program, as well as shaft and appurtenance handling on the US Navy Watson Class ships. Included in these projects were planned engineered multi - crane lifts that reached in excess of 400 tons. These projects focused on safe, economic, simple designs compliant with applicable state and federal regulations, and national standards.
Engineered Material Handling Design and Review:
- Services include single and multi-crane lift plans, material transport, and equipment testing. Design, review and analysis of supporting calculation of stresses imposed on lifting, supporting structure, and material handling equipment, and rigging gear. Equipment specification scope and review
Naval Architecture & Marine Engineering:
- Perform intact, damage and probabilistic damage stability, and structural analysis on marine structures including barges, ships, and complimentary structures in accordance with regulatory bodies; ABS, Federal or State government
Training and Compliance:
- Operator training compliance to National Commission for the Certification of Crane Operators, NCCCO, requirements for tower crane, mobile crane, overhead crane, articulating crane operator training and certification, signal person, and rigger certification
- Compliance covers applicable national and international standards that include the ABS, ASTM, ASM, ASME, ANSI, WSTDA, ALI, etc. and DIN, EN, FEM to list a few. National regulations include state and federal OSHA requirements as well as DOE, military specifications and standards
Forensic Engineer Consultant Kristopher Seluga
Kristopher J. Seluga, PE
Managing Partner
500 Ferry Boulevard
Stratford CT
phone: 203-329-9909

Kristopher J. Seluga, PE, is a Mechanical Engineering, Accident Reconstruction, Biomechanics, and Safety Expert with over 20 years of experience. He received his Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees from the Mechanical Engineering department at MIT where he worked on the development of novel three-dimensional printing technologies.
Mr. Seluga is also a licensed Professional Engineer in New York and Connecticut, and has served as a member of the ANSI engineering committee for the Z130.1 and Z135 standards for golf cars and PTV’s. His research interests and peer reviewed publications span the topics of Motor Vehicle Dynamics, Product Safety, and Biomechanics.
Litigation Support - Mr. Seluga has been working as a forensic engineer at Technology Associates since 2001. He has investigated 100s of accidents for both plaintiffs and defendants. Mr. Seluga has been qualified to testify as an expert in state and federal court and is experienced in testifying in depositions and trials. He has successfully defeated Daubert / Frye challenges and can prepare and explain compelling exhibits at trial.
Areas of Expertise:
Firearms Use of Force Consultant Emanuel Kapelsohn
Emanuel Kapelsohn, JD
1636 N. Cedar Crest Blvd., #320
Allentown PA
phone: 610-360-7053

Emanuel Kapelsohn is an internationally recognized Firearms Training and Use of Force consultant who has instructed thousands of police and security officers, federal agents and others throughout the U.S. and abroad since 1980. He currently serves as a consultant to
- Manufacturers of Firearms and related products regarding design, human factors, safety and training issues; product literature including warnings and owner's manuals; development of user, instructor and armorer training programs, materials and training aids; marketing issues; and risk management
- Cities, States, and Governmental Entities regarding development, review and implementation of use of force policies, law enforcement training programs and issues, response to critical incidents, and risk management
- Law Enforcement and Security Agencies regarding selection of firearms and related equipment; design and implementation of training programs; safety surveys and safety protocols; qualification standards; development and review of written departmental firearms and use of force policies; and evaluation of specific use of force incidents and firearms accidents
A graduate of Yale University and Harvard Law School, Mr. Kapelsohn is a practicing attorney in addition to his consulting work. As vice president of the Internat’l Assoc. of Law Enforcement Firearms Instructors, he is a certified in force science and shooting scene reconstruction, and as an instructor in numerous law enforcement disciplines.
Mr. Kapelsohn is a featured presenter at national and international instructor conferences. He has authored over 130 published articles, is Associate Editor of "Standards & Practices Guide for Law Enforcement Firearms Instructors," and principal author of "Firearms Training Standards for Law Enforcement Personnel," and "Guidelines for Simulation Training Safety."
Passenger Transportation Consultant Ned Einstein
Ned Einstein
41 Hickory Hill Drive
Warwick NY
phone: 212-766-1121 (NY) or 818-988-4586 (LA)
fax: 212-766-1122

Areas of Expertise: Accident analysis, testimony and mediation in vehicle and pedestrian accidents involving transit, paratransit, schoolbus, motorcoach, special education, non-emergency medical transportation, taxi, shuttle, child transport systems and services; slips and falls; crossing, boarding and alighting; wheelchairs; seatbelts; ADA and accessibility; passenger safety, security and sexual abuse; vehicle design, specification, crashworthiness, quality assurance and product liability; industry standards and practices; driver training and vehicle operation; management, monitoring, supervision and enforcement; maintenance; NHTSA, FTA, FMCSA and USDOT regulations; vehicle testing and certification; contract negotiation and compliance; risk management; planning and system design.
The Firm: Transportation Alternatives is a passenger transportation and automotive consortium engaged in consulting and forensic accident investigation and analysis (more than 600 cases). Specializes in elderly, disabled, schoolchildren.
Education: MURP (Urban and Regional Planning): George Washington University, 1975 BA, English Literature: Rutgers University, 1969
Professional Experience:
- President, Transportation Alternatives (1980 to present). Consulted to USDOT, transit agencies, private contractors, social service agencies, municipalities and school districts. Designed several major transportation systems
- Chairman/General Manager, PTS Transportation (1982-1992). Directed operations of a 70-vehicle paratransit system for physically and developmentally disabled individuals and a non-emergency medical transportation (NEMT) service
- President, TAM-USA (1989-1995). Formed and directed a U.S.-Slovene joint venture company which coordinated the design, testing, certification and marketing of a European-manufactured school bus and motorcoach.
Appointments and Memberships:
- American Public Transportation Association
- National Association of Pupil Transportation
- United Motorcoach Association
- American Bus Association
- Community Transportation Association of America
- Association Internationale pour la Sécurité du Transport des Jeunes
- National School Transportation Conference (1995, 2000, 2005)
- Committee on School Transportation Safety, National Academy of Sciences
- Bus Industry Safety Committee (ABA)
- Access Committee (APTA)
CMV Accident Consultant Scott Turner
Scott L. Turner
phone: 1-844-974-1870

Scott L. Turner is a highly qualified Commercial Motor Vehicle (CMV) Transportation Expert, FMCSR Regulatory and PHMSA-HMR Expert with approximately 30-years experience in the highly specialized field of CMV crashes and incidents, and 16 years as the CEO of a nationwide CMV crash & HazMat disaster response corporation.
Mr. Turner's career includes personal response and/or investigation of over 1,000 CMV crashes, 200 cargo-tank truck crashes/incidents and a multitude of industrial setting incidents including fixed facilities, loading docks and loading rack disasters. His FMCSR and PHMSA knowledge (Federal Enforcement Training), detailed reporting and testimony can be a focal point of any civil litigation, where commercial motor vehicle crashes and/or transit incidents are at issue, with or without hazmat involvement. Mr. Turner is qualified in both the Federal Court system as well as multiple States throughout the United States and testifies on an approximate 50/50 average of Defense to Plaintiff ratio.
Areas of Expertise:
- Level 1 FMCSA Inspections
- Commercial Motor Vehicle (CMV) Post-Crash Inspection
- CMV Post-Crash Investigation
- Driver Qualifications
- HOS / Fatigue Driving
- Motor Carrier Fitness Standards
- Safety Programs
- Trucking Industry Standards
- Cargo-Tank Truck Incidents / Crashes
- CMV loading/Off-loading Cases (van, cargo-tank, flatbed)
- Flatbed, Cargo Securement Failure
- Loading Dock Incidents w/ CMV
- Forklift Incidents w/ CMV
- CMV Crash Involving Hazmats
- Loading Rack Explosions / Disasters
- Pedestrian v. CMV Incidents
Services Include:
- Litigation Support
- Trial Preparation Consulting
- Courtroom Testimony
- Commerical Vehicle Accident Investigations
- CMV, Highway Construction Zone Crashes
- CMV Loading and Offloading Investigation
- Level 1 FMCSA Audits
- Load Securement Incidents
Construction Consultant Ronald Tyson
Ronald Tyson
565 N. Ortonville Road
Ortonville MI
phone: 248-230-9561
fax: 247-627-4774

Ronald Tyson is a Building and Premises Expert in the construction business for over 45 years. He has years of hands on experience in the individual trades as a tradesman, subcontractor and general contractor.
Mr. Tyson has been a Michigan licensed builder since 1967 and has functioned as a general contractor and provided supervisory tasks for Tyson Enterprises, Incorporated and other contractors on all types of industrial, public, commercial and residential construction projects since 1963. He is a member of numerous building code and standard authorities, including but not limited to IBC [BOCA, UBC] NFPA, IAEI, NAHB, etc.
Mr. Tyson's experience and expertise can help clients with contracts, safety, and other obligations as they may affect project control of contractors and/or project managers. He can advise on the duties in new and remodeling construction and maintenance required by the premises owner.
Litigation Support - Mr. Tyson has served the legal community as a Construction Expert Witness for 35 years. He has worked for both plaintiff and defendant attorneys. He is available to perform onsite inspections, research, review litigation matters, makes drawings, interview litigants, and provides evidence for court, including correct building code and life safety statutes and standards as they may affect personal injury claims, construction, contracts, etc. and causation. Mr. Tyson has never been disqualified in over 200 times in court.
Areas of Expertise:
Motor Vehicle Injury Prevention Consultant Dan Wall
Dan W. Wall, BSME, ACTAR 1140
1550 N. Stapley Dr. #91
Mesa AZ
phone: 480-888-9659

Background Experience:
Wall Accident Reconstruction, Inc., 1996-Present, Investigation and reconstruction of traffic collisions, highway traffic safety, biomechanics of impact trauma, injury causation, engineering analysis of design and design failure, statistical analysis, human factors, slip and falls and expert witness testimony.
For more information, visit
Also view Dan Wall's article in Attorney At Law Magazine at
Cromack Engineering Associates, Inc., Tempe, AZ, 1987-1998, Investigation and reconstruction of traffic collisions, product liability, biomechanics, and expert witness testimony.
Martin Marietta Aerospace, Denver, CO, 1980-1987, Senior Engineer, Design and analysis of aerospace systems. Projects included Man Maneuvering Unit with special recognition by NASA, Titan 34D Missile Systems, and Strategic Defense Initiative.
Summary of Experience:
Architect Construction Management Consultant Jeffrey Weinstein
Office of Design & Construction
2115 Third Street, Suite 208
Santa Monica CA
phone: 805-798-0010

Jeffrey Phillip Weinstein, AIA, a California licensed Architect and Construction Project Manager since 1982, with a Masters Degree in Real Estate Development from USC, is actively involved with development, design and construction management. Mr. Weinstein provides preconstruction (entitlements, plans, permits) through on-site construction administration services (change order analysis, cost evaluation) on a wide range of building types.
Expertise: Mr. Weinstein has extensive experience in real estate development, acquiring government approvals, entitlements and permits, architect's standard of care, construction management, claims & defects, and A/E/C agreements. His expertise includes scope of services and design fees, zoning and building codes, errors/omissions, construction defects, destructive testing and repairs.
Previous positions include Director of Operations, Preconstruction Director, Senior Project Manager, Construction Manager and Administrator for Nadel and Callison Architects, Tishman Construction, Trammel Crow Company, California State University and Goleta Valley Cottage Hospital.
Project Experience: Mr. Weinstein's project experience includes high-rise residential and mixed-use developments, multi-family residential podium-type apartments and condominiums, retail, big box, neighborhood shopping centers and regional malls, corporate and tenant improvements, hospitality including wineries and breweries, themed resorts and casinos, K-12 and university buildings, hospitals and medical facilities, custom and production homes.
Professional Licenses / Certifications / Affiliations:
- California Registered Architect, License #12822
- AIA Certified in Construction Management, Contract Administration and Specifications
- Member, American Institute of Architects, Urban Land Institute, Construction Specification Institute
- Member, North Santa Barbara County Board of Architectural Review
Professional Services Include:
- Architectural, Engineering and Construction (A/E/C) Project Management
- Owner’s Representative / Real Estate Development / LEED Design-Build
- Director of Operations and Pre-Construction Services / Construction Administrator
- Forensic Architect / Construction Expert Witness
Marine Surveyor Compliance Consultant George Zeitler
George Zeitler, MSc
13776 NW 22nd Place
Sunrise FL
phone: 954-804-8919

George Zeitler, MSc, has over 30 years of experience in the Marine Industry in various regulatory, management, and consulting roles. He is an Accredited Marine Surveyor (Y&SC) by the Society of Accredited Marine Surveyors and a Member of the International Institute of Marine Surveying.
Background Experience - Mr. Zeitler served 18 years as a USCG Marine Inspector / Casualty Investigator, and 7 years as a Class Society principal surveyor (DNV). He then spent 1 year as VP of Operations for a niche cruise line. Mr. Zeitler went on to serve 5 years as a technical consultant for various segments of the marine industry, including 2 years as third party environmental auditor for criminal pollution cases. He has been an Accredited Yacht and Small Craft Surveyor for over 15 years.
In 2002, Mr. Zeitler formed Zeitler Marine Services (ZMS), using his experience and knowledge to offer condition and valuation (pre-purchase and insurance) and damage survey services to the yachting and recreational boating communities in south Florida. He is currently the Director of the Chapman School of Seamanship Yacht and Small Craft survey course.
Litigation Support - Mr. Zeitler uses his vast experience verifying Compliance with Applicable Maritime Laws / Regulations through on site surveys and audits of client's vessels. His years of operational and regulatory enforcement help provide clients with a unique perspective that is key in identifying vulnerabilities onboard vessels as well as gaps in policies and procedures. He functions as a Court Appointed Monitor in situations where vessel operators are negotiating a plea agreement for a DOJ-approved Environmental Compliance Programs.
Areas of Expertise:
- Vessel Design and Construction
- Vessel Compliance with International and US Laws and Regulations
- Compliance with Federal and Voluntary (ABYC) Standards for Yachts and Small Craft
- Casualty Investigation
- Vessel Operations
- Cruise Ship Management, Operation, and Safety
- Environmental Compliance and Auditing
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by Daniel A. Strachman
by Stephany Alexander, Rea Frey