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2/16/2011· Economics

Measuring The Loss Of Enjoyment Of Life In Personal Injury Cases In Washington - Hedonic Damages

By: Stan V. Smith

In most courts, the value of a human being is not recognized. According to the laws of many states, your life isn't worth a "plugged nickel" if you no longer work.


9/5/2010· Damages

A Quick Overview of Commercial-Damages Economics

By: Jules H. Kamin, PhD

Commercial damages occur in breach-of-contract and business-tort cases that result in claims of lost profits or diminished business goodwill or business value. Intellectual-property-infringement cases and antitrust cases also can involve such loss claims. The measurement of damages in these types of cases follows a basic methodology, with some variations in intellectual-property matters. Measurement of damages in securities-fraud cases uses a different approach.


11/25/2009· Damages

Lost Inventory and Lost Profits Damage Formulas in Litigation

By: Jay Abrams, ASA, CPA, MBA

This article arose from an actual litigation. To protect the identity of the parties, I usefictional names.


11/25/2009· Damages

Forecasting Cash Flow: Mathematics of the Payout Ratio

By: Jay Abrams, ASA, CPA, MBA

We all have used the Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) method. Many of us would agree that it is generally the best, most comprehensive, theoretically correct valuation model. It also has an empirical reason to be the best, which is that many of us calculate our discount rates using the Ibbotson data in the SBBI annual yearbooks, which are based on publicly traded stock data.


11/25/2009· Accounting

The Bias in Annual (Versus Monthly) Discounting is Immaterial

By: Jay Abrams, ASA, CPA, MBA

This article presents a discussion of the validity of using the mid-year convention from a different point of view than the March 2002 BVR article by Michael Dobner.

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Green Industries Data Toolbox

by Donald H. Godi, FASLA, RCA, et al

E-discovery and Electronic Records

by Kimberly A. Baldwin-Stried Reich, et al broker Movie Ad

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