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7/13/2012· Warnings & Labels

Product Warnings: The Wackiest Warnings of 2011

By: Gerald Goldhaber

The awards season is already in full gear this year. The Golden Globes have already been given out and the Oscars will be determined by the end of this month.


2/20/2023· Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)

Professional Services Firm Develops Strategic Plan For IT Initiative And Process Improvement

By: Panorama Consulting Group

This multi-billion dollar professional services company was using various, disparate software applications across its worldwide operations. Many of its core business processes were not utilized globally, and dual/triple entry was demonstrated at various sites and in various functional areas.


8/27/2020· Fall Protection Solutions / Confined Spaces Safety

Property Wide Fall Protection Program - A Case Study

By: Rauch Safety and Engineering

Ranch Safety was appointed by the client to facilitate the development of a comprehensive, property wide fall protection strategy and to work with clients U.S. and international design and operations internal resources teams, together with external multicultural project critical members which included architects, engineers, government authorities and contractors


9/9/2014· Product Liability

Proposed Warning for Food Products with Excessive Sugar

By: Dr. Gerald M. Goldhaber

If you buy a box of Kraft Mac & Cheese in the UK (the same Mac & Cheese that is sold in the U.S.), the following warning label appears on the package: Warning: This Product May Cause Adverse Effects Activity AndAttention in Children. This warning is required because the U.S. version of Kraft Mac & Cheese has artificial food dyes yellow #5 and yellow #6, which are proven to be linked to hyperactivity in children. The warning does NOT appear in the U.S.


10/22/2014· Product Liability

Proposed Warning for Selected Foods

By: Dr. Gerald M. Goldhaber

Last month's issue of the Goldhaber Warnings Report focused on the dangers of added sugar to many products sold in the U.S. But sugar, while a major culprit in the causal chain leading to a variety of serious illnesses such as Type 2 Diabetes and other cardio-vascular diseases and certain cancers, is not the only food product that may need a safety warning. Let's look at a few potential examples of products that might benefit from a safety warning.


11/20/2017· Land Mapping - Surveying - Zoning

Protect Your Investment

By: Frank S. Ferrantello

Retention of a professional land surveyor prior to purchasing land, planning, developing or designing improvements is vital to protect the investment. In New York, only a survey made by a licensed land surveyor can define the size and location of property purchases, and most importantly, accurately convey what is really happening on the property, such as easements, situations with adverse possession, or indentifying structures in relation to existing certificates of occupancy.


4/5/2012· Animals

Protect Yourself When Buying A Horse

By: Bridget Brandon

Because the cost of a lawsuit is so steep, make sure your "horse transaction" is memorialized with a lawyer-prepared, well-written contract. The small contract prep charge will be a fraction of litigation expenses and heartbreak. If you cannot locate an equine attorney, an attorney specializing in contracts will work just fine. It always amazes me that written contracts are not demanded of every horse purchase or sale. Even on "small&qout; transactions…demand them in writing or do not do the "deal&qout;!


4/19/2012· Banking

Protecting Yourself in Your Banking Relationship

By: Darryl Horowitt

Virtually everyone and every business has a relationship with a financial institution, whether it be a bank, savings bank, or credit union. When the account is opened, there is the hope that nothing will go wrong in the account and that your funds will be preserved.


3/13/2012· Medical Physics

Providing Solid Angle Formalism for Skyshine Calculation

By: Michael Gossman, MS, DABR, RSO, et al

We detail, derive and correct the technical use of the solid angle variable identified in formal guidance that relates skyshine calculations to dose-equivalent rate.


3/15/2013· Damages

Proving Damages in Trademark Cases

By: Dr. Stanley Stephenson

Proving damages in trademark litigation-typically lost profits or disgorgement of the defendant's profits-generally involves citing the infringer's sales of the infringing product.

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