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8/16/2022· Legal Issues

Press Freedoms During Times Of Emergency: An Examination Of South Africa And The United States

By: William (Ned) McLeod, Esq

In this paper we will examine how the growing crisis in South Africa transformed various laws and government policies that affected the press, both directly and indirectly. We will briefly trace the history of government regulation of the press in South Africa, and review the press-related laws imposed by the Afrikaner government since its rise to power in 1948.


3/14/2013· Corrosion

Preventative Restoration: Preserving your Options

By: Envista Forensics - Andrew Spetter

An ominous cloud of smoke continues to billow as the sprinklers rain water throughout the facility. The production manager's mechanical and electrical equipment is rapidly deteriorating, and within hours, the previously pristine equipment normally used to manufacture precision circuit boards will have a thin coating of flash rust with further damage forthcoming.


5/27/2021· Recreation & Sports

Preventing Athletic Injuries

By: Dr. Laura Miele

Sport participation has increased substantially in the last decade, and so has the incidence of sport-related injuries. Today, over six million students are involved in competitive high school sports across the United States. Even more students are involved in organized club sports- baseball, softball, soccer, basketball, football, lacrosse, hockey, cheerleading, volleyball, wrestling and more.


8/31/2017· Accounting

Preventing Fraud in Troubled Companies

By: Robert Bates

Economic downturns and recessions are notorious for encouraging fraud. As new and prospective fraud examiners, it's imperative that you become aware of the various fraud risks that can occur and the red flags that indicate a fraud in progress.


10/1/2012· Aquatics Safety

Prevention and Management of Torso Reflex

By: Gerald Dworkin

Torso Reflex, also known as Gasp Reflex , Inhalation Response, or Cold Water Shock, is caused by sudden immersion into water colder than 70 degrees F. Sudden immersion into cold water triggers an involuntary reflexive torso gasp that can cause the person to aspirate water into his/her airway and lungs, which can lead to laryngospasm, disorientation, panic, and the loss of any physical ability to swim or remain afloat.


10/16/2013· Aquatics Safety

Prevention of Torso Reflex and the Proper Use of the Stearns' Cold Water/Ice Rescue Suit

By: Gerald Dworkin

The purpose of this article is to describe the proper use and application of the Stearns Cold Water/ Ice Rescue Suit by Fire, Rescue, and other Public Safety Personnel during cold water and ice rescue incidents. This article has been specifically written to address the prevention of Torso Reflex or Inhalation Response during the rescuer's entry into cold water.


11/16/2004· Computer Forensics

Proactive Forensics in the Workplace

By: Paul Taylor

The benefits of computer forensics have been seen over and over again in the criminal and civil courts throughout the world in the past two decades. If there is ever a case involving accounting or communication between key witnesses then computer forensics will be involved in some form


7/23/2005· Appraisal & Valuation

Problems in the QMDM and Comparison to Economic Components Model...

By: Jay Abrams, ASA, CPA, MBA

It seems to me that healthy dialogue among practitioners is a useful tool in facilitating our growth as a profession. It is in that spirit that I wish to respond to my colleague, Chris Mercer’s recent article,[Citation Omitted] wherein he asserts that my misunderstanding of his Quantitative Marketability Discount Model (QMDM) explains the disparity in my results and his in calculating the discount for lack of marketability (DLOM). Accordingly, in this article I will


4/16/2019· Supply Chain Management

Product Counterfeits Are Still A Major Problem

By: Rosemary Coates

The way imported products are sold has drastically changed over the past few years. With the rise of eCommerce and direct shipments to U.S. warehouses and customers, more and more counterfeit products are slipping into the U.S. Owners of brands and intellectual property are losing billions of dollars in revenue every year to counterfeiters that are selling bogus products, often at the same price or only slightly less than the true brand.


9/19/2022· Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)

Product Supply Company Finds Comprehensive ERP To Replace Its Legacy System

By: Panorama Consulting Group

While the company had little technological communication either internally or with its sister firm, the company was growing by leaps and bounds. It needed to modernize its technology and improve its business processes to continue providing outstanding customer service while meeting increased sales demand.

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