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10/24/2011· Human Factors

Sleep, Science, and Policy Change

By: Dennis Wylie

Policies can be very difficult to change, and advocates of change who claim a logical or scientific foundation need valid, reliable, and convincing data. An example of the process is the policy of regulating truck drivers' hours of service in order to reduce motor vehicle crashes.


10/18/2011· Business Consulting

Business Consulting: Environmental Scanning

By: Greg Curtiss

No successful company can survive and grow without a well researched and clearly articulated strategy.


10/7/2011· Aquatics Safety

Risk Management: Standard for Technical Rescue

By: Gerald Dworkin

The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) establishes standards for the Fire and Rescue industry.


10/6/2011· Security

Security Law: Private Police = Para-Police?

By: Dr. James F. Pastor

In the past several years many in the security industry have advocated increasing professional standards. The hallmark criteria of professionalism usually relate to training, wages, recruitment standards, and accountability.


10/5/2011· Branding - Brand Management

Blood, Sweat and Tiers: Building Optimal Brand Identity Architectures

By: Rob Wallace

Brand extensions are more than twice as likely to succeed as new brands. With mega-brands like Crest extending to more than 80 SKUs in the United States alone and over 300 products worldwide, today's brands are not just expanding-they are hyper-proliferating.


10/2/2011· Expert Witnessing

Tips For Retaining Your Next Expert Witness

By: Leo A. Wrobel, Sharon M. Wrobel, et al

Reflective of this reality, the most successful expert witness not only has knowledge which is unsurpassed in his or her profession, but also the appearance of objectivity, earnestness and charisma to convey that expertise to non-technical persons.


9/27/2011· Psychiatry

How Child Psychiatric Testimony Works

By: Dr. Gilbert Kliman

The legal system and juries customarily weigh evidence more regularly than the psychoanalytic profession.


9/26/2011· Security

Schools Behind Bars? Designing Safe and Secure Environments for Schools and Colleges Doesn't Mean They Need to Look Like Detention Facilities

By: Randall Atlas, PhD, AIA, CPP

Creating safe schools is the responsibility of the entire community where a school or school system resides.


9/23/2011· Mediation

Mediation: Anger and Fear Affect Our Perceptions and Our Decisions

By: Douglas Noll

We have all experienced levels of anger and levels of fear in mediation, and we have witnessed our clients in fear and in anger.


9/21/2011· Animals

Owning A Horse Is A Huge Financial Investment: Get A Pre-Purchase Exam!

By: Bridget Brandon

You've decided to buy a horse and you have now located the horse of your dreams. There are a lot of emotions involved.

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Dr. Thomas J.
Dr. Thomas J. Zaydon, Jr.,F.A.C.S.

Plastic Surgeon

Plastic Surgery Institute of Miami

Douglas L.
Douglas Seemann, BCE

Board Certified Entomologist

BCE Services, LLC

Jennifer Oldemeyer

Director of Innovation

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