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7/28/2015· Audio Forensics

Pocket Dialing and Voicemail

By: David Smith

Pocket dialing occurs when a mobile phone's touch pad is pressed by something in a person's pocket or purse, or, if the person happens to sit down a certain way, a part of their anatomy. If the pressed key or screen surface area is programmed to dial or redial a telephone number, a call occurs. This call often goes undetected by the phone's owner. Some phones are more prone to this phenomenon than others.


7/21/2015· Construction

Elder Abuse - It Isn't Always About Physical Abuse

By: Michael Panish

Having recently testified as the door hardware, lock and security expert witness on a very serious elder abuse case involving the rape of a 93 year old resident of a retirement home, I am intimately aware of the potential for physical violence and neglect aimed directly at senior citizens. The following is about a completely different kind of abuse involving our senior population.


7/17/2015· Education & Schools

Kids In The Creek: Using STEM & Green Strategies to Transform Urban Schools

By: Dr. Virginia Rhodes

What does it take to improve science performance in an inner-city high school? Could a science "immersion" strategy change motivation and interest in science? How can we meet a key strategic goal of our urban district: "All students graduate and are prepared for postsecondary education, successful careers and productive citizenship."


7/13/2015· Aquatics Safety

Just When You Thought It Was Safe To Go Into The Water

By: Trevor Sherwood

Is your pool putting your patrons in harm way? When getting your pool ready for the upcoming summer season, you need to make sure your pool meets state requirements for safety and operation. Since New Jersey has one of the thorough bathing codes in the nation and outbreaks of recreational water illnesses are occurring every year, everyone needs to be sure that their pool is up to code for a safe swimming season.


7/10/2015· Insurance

An Unregulated Workers Compensation Insurance Market Poses Problems

By: Edward Priz, CPCU, APA

Recently, a former Director of the Illinois Department of Insurance wrote an Op-Ed piece, decrying recently proposed legislation that would require insurers to file changes in Workers Compensation insurance rates with regulators before using those rates with insurers. The proposed legislation would also allow the Department of Insurance to disapprove rates if it was determined they were excessive.


7/8/2015· Transportation

Buses and Motorcoaches: Seating and Securement

By: Ned Einstein

Comparing their relative safety to that of other vehicles, a number of motorcoach features come immediately to mind: Mass, monocoque construction pneumatic suspension, and fully-padded, forward-facing seats. Yet incidents like these still occur:


6/24/2015· Design

Retail Design & Display: Chain Store Personal Injury

By: Jerry Birnbach

I have been retained by a law firm as an expert witness in the field of Retail Design and Display. I was asked to review a furniture retail Store located in the above referenced address. It does need to be noted that I was not able to review the actual piece of furniture in question nor the camel statue that fell off of the chest and onto the plaintiff.


6/18/2015· Security

Patient Abuse & Rape: Daycare - Skilled Nursing - Long Term Care Facilities

By: Michael Panish

Rape and patient abuse are more prevalent and common place in daycare and long term skilled nursing facilities than anyone would think possible.


6/16/2015· Education & Schools

Teaching Hiring For Collaboration In Urban Schools: Team Task Interviews for STEM Teacher Candidates

By: Dr. Virginia Rhodes

Creative professionals in team-based work settings value work communications skills among their colleagues. As public schools create professional learning communities and experiment with teacher-led curriculum and program development, traditional interview processes may prove inadequate for these new collaborative environments. New and creative selection models may be needed to enable teacher or other professional teams to choose candidates with the 21st century skills needed for success. In public sector environments, work rules are often highly developed and professionals are entitled to interview. Qualifications, training, experience and seniority as determinants often get reduced to transfer rights using seniority as the main or only criteria. This trend detracts from creating a competitive environment in which to attract & retain a high-quality teaching staff. Solutions can be found within existing contract parameters, however, if the attributes necessary to teach 21st Century skills are actually required to be demonstrated, not just described, in the interview process.


6/12/2015· Transportation

Buses and Motorcoaches: Safety v. Liability

By: Ned Einstein

No, this is not the name of a case. It refers to a dangerous conflict coursing through the bus and motorcoach industries - a conflict that we cannot afford to let exist.

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Michael L.
Michael L. Dourson, PhD, DABT, FATS, FSRA

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Toxicology Excellence for Risk Assessment

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Carl H. Josephson, PE, SE Principal Structural Engineer

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